Zoya composed him and goes to the doctor who was really surprised seeing her strong belief.. " I never knew someone can be this much strong to handle every situation.. I have always seen people who left their relatives in little bad situation also but you are still having hope.. i hope your belief will win.. "

Zoya smiles lightly.. " My this belief is only bcz of that girl who is now in coma.. she made me this much strong..I can say I am alive bcz of her only.. anyway..I want to know one thing doctor.. can we shift Swara from here? I mean you know her condition better.. I am not doubting your capabilities but actually my one of the friend is in New York who is best neurologist.. can we transfer her there?"

Doctor nodded his head.. " Ofcourse.. it will be better if you take her to some of the specialist.. Even I was going to suggest for one of my senior only.. Mr Ayaan Khan.. he is one of the famous neurologist in New York.. n as he stays there you can get his advice also if you want.. "

Zoya smiles.. " I was talking about Ayaan only.. he is my brother.. so we can transfer her right? But her condition is good for travel?"

Doctor nodded.. " She can travel.. but if you can then please transfer after two days so that we can send her reports first.. by reports it will be easy for Mr Ayaan to handle her.." Zoya nodded and she only handled everything by herself as Asad was not in a condition to do anything.. Zoya didn't left Swara even for a second alone till she sent her in air ambulance to Ayaan who quickly arranged her stay in his house as he also didn't want to waste any single details.. he knew Swara from the time she started to learn dance to Zoya..so he knows how much she is important to them.. n it was Asad only who gave him fees for his medical study as after his parents death he couldn't gather all the money..

When Swara entered to his house he was broken seeing her condition but being a doctor he was ready for every bad situation.. he did her every tests with his other colleges and got to know that bcz of excess stress and blood loss her one nerve was clotted.. n bcz of that she fell into coma.. he consulted every other doctors but they suggested for medicines only as operation can be risky for her..

The girl who was remembering all this smiles brightly seeing Swara trying to open her eyes.. Ayaan quickly came inside as he was outside only.. he smiled seeing her opening her eyes.. Swara finally opened her eyes little but closed it again feeling light..

" Slowly Swara.. don't do hurry.." Ayaan said slowly.. Swara listened him and slowly opened her eyes after many tries.. she slowly gather her vision which was blurred.. but her lips curved little seeing her aan bhai infront of her..

" Aan bhai.." she whispered slowly making him cry in happiness.. he hugged her lightly not giving her more pressure.. Swara smiles little and raised her hands but couldn't bcz of weakness.. she just clutched his shirt in her hand indicating she is fine..

" I am fine bhai.." she stammered little making him broke the hug..

" Okay. You just take rest.. I will inform everyone.. Asad bhai will be very happy.. you don't know what big stunt you pulled this time.. you scared the hell out of us.. but now everything will be fine.. I will come after informing him.. you don't get up just take rest.." Ayaan said strictly making her smile..she nodded her head and closed her eyes thinking about her life..

After sometime she opened her eyes feeling presence of someone in the room.. but not seeing anyone at door she got confused.. she slowly turned her head to window where the same girl was sitting calmly seeing her every movement.. Swara widen her eyes seeing her and instantly tried to get up but felt pain bcz of attached wires.. that girl come running to her and hold her hand lightly healing her pain.. Swara was still seeing her with wide eyes like she had seen some ghost.. well it was ghost only according to her.. afterall dead person can be considered ghost only right..

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