It was a good change but one he isn't use to.

Levi then blinked as he noticed the hand waving infront of his face, ah he zoned out again.

"Tch, what did you say?" Levi asked, for some reason the girl flinched, did he sound too harsh? Or perhaps she just wasn't good a confrontation.

"Umm...." She then started shaking, her breathing got heavy and tears slowly filled her eyes..... is... is she having an anxiety attack?

Levi's eyes widened as he hopped up from his spot, and placed his hands on her shoulders.

"Breath" he said.

The Hyuga was still shaking.

"Hey..." he said, her distant eyes looked up and caught his.

"I said, breath" he repeated.

Slowly her breath came back to her, she slowed with the shaking and stopped crying.

Levi then sat her down, they were deep in the forrest right next to the wall.

He took her to a tree and the pair sat down together.

"Tch, better brat?" He asked.

The girl nodded, she took in the fresh air.

Levi on the other hand gave a deep sigh, how many kids must he look after, the list just keeps getting longer.

He really Hope's that this girl isn't added to the list also.

In a way to distract her he decides to do the one thing that Levi really hates doing.... talk to her.

I don't know if he's mentioned this before, but Levi doesn't like people. However because he doesn't like people, he also doesn't like talking to them.

"Brat, what's your name?" He asks, Sasuke mentioned it at one point but Levi doesn't remember.

"H-H-Hinata H-Hyuga" She whispered.

"A Hyuga huh? Tch, I've spoken to one of you before" Levi grumbled.

Hinata nodded.

"Y-yeah, my c-cousin Neji" She said, although her face grew sad after she had said so. Levi assumed that her and her cousin were not on good terms.

It's not his business, or place to say, but from the way she looks it is painfully obvious.

"Hmm... well your calm now. I think it's time to go" Levi said, looking up at the sky.

It was getting dark and the vibrant orange was beginning to fade.

Hinata stood up with Levi, but she tripped and fell back.

She grabbed a tree branch to balance herself, but the branch got pulled down, opening a hole beneath them and dropping them in.

The hole was very deep and the walls seemed to be covered in Chakra so Levi could attach his Chakra strings to them.

Sighing in anger, Levi grabbed the screaming Hinata and flipped them around so he would take the brunt of the fall.





"L-Levi?..." Hinata's voice rung out in the dark.

When she got no response she activated her Byakugan, she could see his large Chakra reserves like a beacon in the night. It was still flowing so he was alive.

She shook him.

"L-Levi!?" She said a little louder.

She gained a grunt.

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