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Amber's POV

A couple of months had passed but still I haven't received any information about the audition I had. I was really busy in doing a lot of stuff making myself to lose track of the audition that happened. 

Well, actually to keep myself busy I applied a job in a bookstore near our place and I am a cashier/staff there. I really enjoy working here.

I get to talk with random people looking for what school supplies they needed and sometimes looking for books that are good to read. So, well me being such a book lover. When there are no customers I tend to read some of the books and the owner is fine with it.

The doorbell ring.

I think there is a customer. I immediately went out of the counter to greet our customer. I suddenly felt surprised because the customer is Alex. 

Well, Alex she is one of my friends, she's actually the first one to approach me and ask if we can be friends. 

So going back, I think she didn't noticed me so I approached her.

"Good morning!"

I smiled at her.

She is surprised to see me.

"Do you need anything? Or are you looking for s book?"

She shook her head a little.

"Oh, Hi Amber sorry for me being rude I just stared at you."

"Oh, no worries. I get that a lot with other customers."

I smile again.

"Other customers? So you mean you work here?"

"Ahm.. Yes I just got in a few weeks ago. So, by the way are you looking for school supplies or books? I can help you with that."

So Alex told me what she's looking for. I guided her to where it can be located.

"Okay here it is. Do you need anything else?"

"Nah, I think I got everything now. Where's the counter so I can pay for it."

"Sure let's go there. I'll help you with that too."

I've punched in all the things she bought and she already handed me the cash. Then suddenly.

"Amber, are you going to do some stuff after?"

I looked at her with a bit of a questioning face.

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