Chapter 4 ~A Night They Could Never Forget~

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Outside, the snow still fell heavier. Eclipse wondered whether or not they'd even manage to get back home. The snow had been falling nonstop for about 8 hours by now, and it didn't seem like it was going to stop any time soon.

The pair had watched a few episodes of Haikyu by now, and were starting to think of other things to do.

"Eclipse, do you want to come to my bedroom? We could play Minecraft on the Xbox there." Sky asked.

"Sure!" Eclipse responded.

They walked down the corridor towards a second door, which Sky opened up. Inside seemed like paradise to Sky. It was packed full of merchandise for starters- you couldn't pick a place to look at first. On one side was a bookshelf with even more manga in, but this one had a lot of figures and plushies in too- it was vibrant, to say the least.

On the other side was a double bed, covered in plushies and blankets- it looked so cozy and comfortable. LED lights and art covered the walls- at this moment in time, the LED lights were on the colour blue. She also had a desk, with a load of markers scattered across. In the corner of the room was a TV, smaller than the one in the living room, and had an Xbox connected to it. There were pillows and two bean bags on the floor there too. 

"Sorry if my room is a bit messy." Sky blushed as they stepped into the room. "I've been meaning to declutter the place, but I haven't had the time to yet." 

"I think it looks so cool though." Eclipse looked in awe, never imagining anything like this. 

"Aw, thanks Eclipse!" Sky smiled. "Come on, let's sit down!"

They sat down on the bean bags, but Eclipse felt something peculiar on their one. They stood up and looked down. A plushie with brown hair and a blue and white uniform, decapitated and burnt, but also had an outrageous amount of makeup on his face. 

"What the hell is this?" Eclipse jumped at the thought of the plushie being real.

"OH. Sorry. I should have moved that. That right there, my friend, is Oikawa. Basically, it's a trend to destroy these!" Sky said, lightheartedly. Eclipse stared at her in worry. "D-don't worry! I haven't gone mad. It's fine." She said, throwing the body and head of Oikawa onto her bed, before turning on the Xbox.

"Which controller would you like?" Sky said, trying to forget the incident that had just happened.

"I'll take the grey one." Eclipse smiled, taking the controller out of Sky's hand.

"So, have you played Minecraft before?" Sky asked.

"Yeah, but only on PC. I've never played on console before." Eclipse responded. 

"I'll teach you then!" Sky smiled, dragging the bean bag behind Eclipse and sitting there, before putting her arms over Eclipse and holding the controller with them.

Eclipse's thoughts were crazy, but they ignored them.

"So, first of all, you're gonna press that button to start, and then we'll get some materials, and I'll show you all the basics!" Sky started to show them what to do, guiding them through the map that they put in creative mode, to be able to make Eclipse settle into the game well. 

"Console seems pretty easy to pick up- have you ever tried on PC, Sky?" Eclipse turned around to see Sky covering her face with her hands, only seeing her chocolate eyes through the gaps between her dark, stubby fingers. "What's wrong?" Eclipse asked. 

"Oh, nothing, my face just keeps heating up!" Sky responded, lowering her hands and moving her bean bag back to where it was before. "Do you want to try play in survival mode?" 

"Sounds good." Eclipse responded as they started to try to use the console by themselves. 

Time passed on, as the two battled furiously on the pixelated lands of the Minecraft world, until the time hit midnight, and they'd finally decided to check the time.

"Oh- it's already midnight!" Eclipse exclaimed.

"I guess time flies when you're having fun!" Sky laughed at her silly joke.

"I better check outside, the snow was getting pretty heavy." Eclipse stood up and walked up to the window, Sky behind them. They opened up the blinds to the snow still falling. It seemed about 10 inches deep by now. England hadn't seen this much snow in forever. The pair were utterly shocked at the amount of snow that had fallen.

"Well- I don't think you'll be getting anywhere tonight. If you want, you can stay here for the night?" Sky asked.

"Yeah, if you don't mind. Thank you so much!" Eclipse looked up at Sky. 

"I won't make you sleep on the sofa- so if you want, you can sleep with me?" Sky blushed- with innocent intentions. 

"Oh- I- I-if that's okay-?" Eclipse's eyes were wide open in shock.

"Yeah, we are friends right?" Sky reminded them.

"Yeah- yeah we are." Eclipse smiled. 

"Okay, I can give you some pyjamas if you want- and yeah we should probably get to sleep, it's really late now." Sky looked around in her drawers and gave Eclipse a dark blue pair of pyjamas, before getting herself a pair of pyjamas too.

Sky went to turn off the light, before getting into bed, and ushering nervous Eclipse in too. 

"Hey Eclipse- you forgot to take off your glasses." Sky whispered.

"Oh-oh yeah." Eclipse took them off and placed them by the window.

"Night, Eclipse."

"Night, Sky."


Writer's notes:


this chapter was i n t e r e s t i n g huh :)


moral of the story is: get snowed in and stay over at your friends house :p


hope you guys enjoyed this chapter!!

stay safe out in the cruel world <33


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