Chapter 1

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Sarah sat on one of the chairs in the avengers tower doing homework with Morgan and Pepper whilst everyone was out on a mission. Things were different after the blip, Tony almost died but he's ok, Nat was missing for months but she was rescued by the Wakandans and she's home now, Bucky has to go to therapy to help him. Everyone was happy to be back together but things will never be the same.

the elevator dinged and Sarah looked up from her chair to see everyone walking back in after the mission, Morgan got up and ran straight to Tony, she's a few years younger than Sarah. She didn't get up straight away, she shifted nervously in her seat and pretended to be concentrating on her homework even though she hadn't answered a single question. Steve approached calmly, he knew Sarah got scared when he went on missions. "Hey, you miss me?" He said with a smile, crouching in front of her seat, she leaned forward and hugged him hiding her face in his shoulder, "you're late, I got scared" she said sadly causing him to let out a sigh, "hey, you don't have to worry about me I'll always come home" he replied softly "go say hi to the others" he said. She nodded and moved out of his embrace, she ran to Nat and jumped to hug her, she laughed and lifted her up, she was 8 but very small for her age. "Hey you" she said whilst smiling, she was the closest Sarah has to a mother figure, She was abandoned by hers when She was 3 she left her on the doorstep of Shield headquarters with a DNA test proving who the dad is. "Why do I have to do school? Can't I just fight bad guys with you and dad?" She questioned, Nat laughed slightly "because, all the best agents go to school first" she answered making Sarah roll her eyes.

Nat let Sarah down and she walked to Uncle Bucky, he was stood talking with Steve and Sam, they smiled and Bucky put a hand on the top of Sarah's head gently for a second and she turned to look at him. He smiled "look who it is" Sam said making her smile, Steve put his arm over the front of Sarahs shoulders, she rested her chin on his forearm. They talked about stuff she didn't understand, she got bored and tried to walk away but Steve's arm tightened and pulled her back to him, she scowled and put her hands on his arm trying to pry it off, he squeezed my shoulder telling her to stop. Instead she turned around and leaned into his side.

"Guys briefing room in ten, Coulson and Fury want an update" Tony said and everyone nodded. "You finished school?" Steve asked looking down at his daughter, she nodded "I got homework but I finished most of it" he smiled and rubbed her shoulder "I'm gonna go shower before Coulson and Fury are here" he kissed the top of her head before leaving to his room. "Sarah, come finish your homework" Pepper called out, she walked back to the chair and picked up her homework, it was math... she hates math. She quickly scribbled down some random answers so that it at least looked right then put it away, "hey mini cap" It was my Clint, she smiled "hi uncle Clint" she said and he high fived her. "Sarah" she heard her dad calling her, "you done your homework?" He asked in a stern voice, she sighed "yeah I did it" she answered, he nodded and sat next to her.

The elevator dinged, "that's Fury" he said getting up, Sarah got up and followed the team in to the briefing room. She sat in a chair next to her dad whilst the others sat around the table, Fury and Coulson entered the room followed by Maria. They spoke about the mission which Sarah didn't really understand, she played with my hands whilst they talked. "We leave for the next base on Friday, Steve you'll go in first with Wanda" Fury said and Steve nodded, Sarah shifted nervously at the mention of a mission and her dads name in the same sentence, she was young but she knows how this stuff works. "Shield will be on stand by for back up if you need it" Coulson added, Sarah hated it when they went on missions it was scary.

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