🦈kirishima Ejirou 🦈

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As the wall of ice blocked you and kirishima's path, you got down from his gripped and walked towards Todoroki as you slowly approached him as he walked towards you as well. "Y/n! " He spoke he was excited that you were coming towards him 'this is it y/n she is coming to me she will be with me and not with that Kirishima' he thought (I'm too lazy to put povs so eh). As you reached towards him you grabbed his hands "sho....." There was a long pause before you spoke "what is it y/n? " He asked "I'm so sorry for what you are about to hear... "As you plucked up your courage and face him 'I swear to God I'm gonna feel so bad after this' you thought thought to yourself " We're going to have to break up sho... You see I fell in love with Kirishima and my heart just doesn't want to be with you anymore I'm so sorry but I still do like you as a friend" As you let go of his hand "Y/N! WAIT DON'T LEAVE ME JUST YET!" he yelled as he tried to grab your hand but you moved away "I'm sorry sho but I don't love you anymore I'm sorry that I have to leave you" You spoke "y/n don't leave me I don't think I can live without you at all you mean the whole world to me" He said as tears formed in his eyes "I'm sorry sho but this is goodbye now" As you turned away from him and walked back to Kirishima as you saw the wall of ice being broken down as kirishima had used his quirk to smash the ice wall "goodbye shoto! " As you gave him one last wave before fleeing away with kirishima. As todoroki's classmate came to the scene "todoroki what happened" Asked Mina "y/n she left me... " As the girls tried to comfort him while heading back to Mr Awizawa as todoroki muttered under his breath "but y/n you promised not to leave me.... "

It has been five years since the incident and you along with Kirishima have been living together in another country you both own a house by the seaside and have two children the oldest one being a boy having kirishima's eyes and teeth while the other being a girl having your facial features you both were a happy family and your life was perfect too perfect that you forgot what kirishima has done five years back and you were in love with him again... "Mommy! mommy! Can brother and I play by the seaside again! " Said your daughter "sure sweetie just make sure not to get injured alright and also come back here for dinner" As you watched your two children running off into the sand playing with the water "isn't this such a wonderful family me and you with our two beautiful children" As your 'husband'  came up behind you grabbing your waist you smiled at him and he smiled back "I love you pebble" "I love you too" As he gave you a kiss on the lips

"𝐦𝐲 𝐬𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐭 𝐠𝐢𝐫𝐥𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝" yandere kirishima × fem reader[COMPLETED]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora