chapter 27 [dabi time🔥🔥]

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Izuku's pov:
As time passes by I can't seem to fall asleep especially when my friend is in danger and the fact that Todoroki does'nt seem to be mentally stable without y/n makes it worse. At least we will be able to save her soon we just have to wait. The only thing that I worry is about Kirishima he's too possesive of y/n so that makes it harder to save her I just wish that none of this would happen....

Kirishima's pov:
my pebble she almost got taken away from me I can't let that happen again she belongs to me she's going spend her whole life with me I can't let anyone steal her away from me especially that todoroki he even touched her he can't touch her and now my pebble has his fucking cologne on him it just pisses me off hmph 😠 "pebbleeeee!" "Yes kiri?" she asked "can you go take a showerrrr like right nowwww" i said "why though?" "cause you're dirty and the worst part of all is that todoroki's cologne is on you and I don't like that hmph" as I saw her giggled "hey! What are you laughing at" i said angrily "its just adorable when you act all angry over the littlest things" as she continued to giggle ahhh her laughter are just music to my ears and not to mention she looks so cute like that! "But can you take a bath though i really don't like it when todoroki's scent is on you it pisses me off" i said while hugging her from behind "haha alright kiri if it makes you happy" as i watch my pebble enter the bathroom gosh I just love her so much and now that Todoroki's scent is gone I can have her to myself and won't have to be reminded of Todoroki that bastard fucking hate him I swear to god.

Time skip to a few weeks later

"alright todoroki it looks like your leg has finally healed but since it just recovered I'd sugest not to do vigorous activities for now maybe give it two or three days for it to rest then you can proceed to do whatever activities you want" said the doctor, about two weeks ago izuku had to convince todoroki to see a doctor since his legs was getting worse when Kirishima shot him. Well at least he is healed now but the thing is that izuku and some people from class 1A along with the pros would be putting their plan to save y/n  into action soon and since it is within a few days time todoroki might not be able to help and save his y/n "But! I need to save someone she' very important to me and I really need her! Please doctor let me save her first then I will rest" todoroki was sad when he heard he was unable to do vigorous activities since his leg just recently healed and begged the doctor to let him save his one true love "sorry sir but I'm afraid I can't since your leg just recovered and if anything bad happens it might worsen" he said shaking his head "but please! I'm begging you!" as he begged izuku came in "hi so sorry to interrupt but I heard yelling from outside and just wanted to check if everything is okay-" as he saw todoroki begging the doctor "Uhm excuse me doc but could you explain what happen?" he asked politely "well sir your friend here got agitated when I told him he is unable to do vigorous activities due to his leg since he really wanted to go save someone" as the doctor explained "i see well todoroki your my friend alright and we can't let you save y/n until your leg is healed okay? Oh and doc may I ask how many days does he need to rest ?" "Approximately two to three days!" he said cheerfully "okay thank you doc My friend and I will be going now!" as izuku dragged todoroki out of the ward "but midoriya what about y/n! She's in danger my love is in danger I can't just leave her!" as todorki yelled "well lucky for you we will be able to save y/n and on the bright side since you need around two to three days you would be able to join us" izuku said as both of them exited the hospital "Wait really!?" Todoroki asked "yep i mean we did plan a date for launching the attack so either way you would be able to see your love again!" as you could see the light in todoroki's eyes he was just so happy at that moment.

ze LOV
"Screw you Shigaraki!" Yelled Toga as Shigaraki laughed "well too bad you loss" as Shigaraki kept teasing Toga for her loss in mario cart "uhm what on earth is going on?"  Dabi said as you were just standing in the corner watching them while drying your hair. "Well I can't deal with this bullshit today so I'm just gonna go for a walk y/n wanna come?" dabi asked "sure just let me change out of this first" as you grab a hoodie and a pair of jeans as you changed out of your pajamas, once done, you went to Dabi "ok lets go now!" you said excitedly. Since you have never really gone out with Dabi thia will be an exciting yet awkward one as you and Dabi walked around the dark city with your disguises and don't worry you wore a mask as well. "So how are you doing so far?" You asked Dabi so that it would'nt be so awkward. "Fine I guess what about you?" He reaponded "pretty good!" As you guys walked in silence the night was a really cold one and the hoodie was not enough to keep you warm so you were practically freezing "hey dabi don't you find it cold out here?" as you were shaking like crazy due to the cold "No why?"as he turned to look at you, he noticed that you were shaking and knew that you were cold. Suddenly you felt a nice heavy warm coat over you as you looked at dabi and smiled at him saying thank you, as he blushed slightly apparantly his coat was too long and big for you (like dabi is too tall;-;). By the time you and Dabi got back to the hideout it was already 1 in the morning "do you want a drink?" As you watched Dabi grab a cup from the cabinent and poured himself some beer "no thanks" as you proceed to sat down at the couch staring into thin air, after Dabi was done with his drink he decided to join you in sitting on the couch doing nothing. All of a sudden you heard footsteps, very familiar footsteps "why is it so noisy here" as a grumpy Kirishima came out along with his hair down as he rubbed his eyes for a clearer vision "pebble your back! I missed you! Where on Earth did you go" as he picked you up from the couch then he suddenly looked at Dabi with daggers in his eyes "we're you hanging out with Dabi earlier?" He asked you as you started to sweat nervously "yeah... hehe" tch was all that you heard from him as he turned his head and carried you back to the bedroom "we'll talk about this tomorrow!" as he entered the room and placed you down gently on the bed and tucked you in while he snuggled beside you wrapping his two big muscular arms around you "goodnight babe~" as he kissed you.

a/n: did i just wrote this at 3am yes, yes i did 🌚🌚 welp bye imma go write the next chapter!

"𝐦𝐲 𝐬𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐭 𝐠𝐢𝐫𝐥𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝" yandere kirishima × fem reader[COMPLETED]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant