chapter 22 [y/n's missing again]

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Todoroki's pov:
As I continued to stand there in disbelief I just saw her getting taken away again why can't I save her why was I unable to protect my one and only love she was so special to me and yet I failed to protect her I felt useless and wanted to save her but I can't she might think that I am not good enough to be her boyfriend and might just break up with me I was scared I did'nt wanted to lose her as I started to feel a drop of tear running down my face I immediately wiped it off when I heard Bakugou "Oi! Icyhot have you seen y/n and Kirishima their both missing!" He yelled "Kirishima and y/n entered the portal apparantly Kirishima pushed her in and entered afterwards!" I explained to him. As we both went to look for Mr Aizawa and tild him what happened.Once we had explained to Mr Aizawa he soon called the pros and figured that we needed a plan to save them but since we have no idea where they are it is going to be really difficult for us to find them.

Y/n's pov:
Once I woke up my eyes felt really puffy I tried looking for somethjng reflective so I could see how I look ljke bht there was nothing seriously does this room only have a fucking bed and a table. I tried looking for my phone bht noticed that it was missing where the fuck did it go? I decided to just go back to sleep but apparantly the environment was too loud what the hell is going on out there as I was unable to take it anymore I opened the door to look outside. Surprisingly Kirishima was right we are at the LOV oh well they all look weird except for the girl with space buns she seems nice. Knowing that I would most probbably live here for the rest of my life I might as well get along with the villains since Kirishima is not letting me out anyways. As I was about to close the door someone's hand slipped through "babe don't shut the door in front of your boyfriend" it was Kirishima as you opened the door for him "looks your awake now would you want to meet your new housemates! I promise their super nice" he said without getting the chance to respond he grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the room "Guys!! Meet my girlfriend!" He said while standing in front of the LOV i stood behind him I was anxious what if they want to kill me and plus they all look like they hate me as well "awwww she's so cute like a little puppy!" The girl with space buns said "My name is Toga, Toga Himiko! What's yours?" As she said behind me sheesh these people don't know what manners are coming behind people and introducing themselves "f/n l/n" i responded "that's a lovely name y/n" she said she was nice I guess

3rd pov

After getting to know the LOV, Kirishima brought you to a new room it was really nice and it looked cozy "This is where we will be staying since the previous room was for hostage and since your my girlfriend you will be sleeping with me from now on!" As he hugged you "I love you pebble!" You just stood there not knowing what to say "come on pebble say i love you back" he spoke in an annoyed tone "I-I love you?" You said nervously "hehe I knew you love me!" There he goes again being the yandere that he is.

Bakugou's pov:
That damn Kirishima he took y/n again anf the worst thing is that he is with the LOV but we don't know where they are so this mission is going to be tough. Y/n she has always been a warm hearted girl no matter how badly i treat her she still persisted to be my friend that dumbass always sacrificing herself for others eventhough she could get hurt. Well now I would have to save her it is the least I could do after how she has helped me so much this is how I'm goingto repay her by saving her I can't let my gaurd down if not something bad might happen who knows what will happen afterwards.

Aizawa's pov:
Here we go again this has already happened before and now it is happening again I always knew that Kirishima would never recover from his psychotic phase with y/n but now its even worse since he is working with the LOV we were having a peaceful life then he just had to kick in and ruin evrything. Not to mention y/n was one of my favourite student but she got kidnapped again I will have to do my best to save her but the thing is that we would need more man power than before since we are not only going against Kirishima but the LOV and the downside is that their leader shigaraki he has these creatures called nomus their the most frustrating to handle so we will need to gather all the pros and discuss about this matter. Since Kirishima is working with the LOV, the students are not safe anymore looks like we have to implement dorms once again how troublesome but it is for the safety of the students and I will do my best to protect my students.

Kirishim's pov:
"Toga how many times do I have to tell you not to scare y/n like that!" "Sorry it was fun to see her reaction when I came up behind her!" I swear to god this girl needs to learn her place she even flirted with my pebble I hope she's not too scared of her if she is then I've got to put this girl in her place "not to mention Kirishima your girlfriend is really cute!" She exclaimed this girl was getting on my nerves can't she just shut up "you seem pissed is something bothering you Kiriahima?" She asked "Yes and that it is you Toga You! You fucking flirted with her in front of me and you think I won't get mad over that!" I yelled at her "Listen here Toga Don't even think about trying anything funny with y/n got that. She's mine" as I walked away from her trying to clear the thought of Toga flirting with my y/n.

Toga's pov:
Geez never knew Kirishima is that obssessed with her but to be honest y/n she's really cute and she just looks so cuddly and squishy I wanna hug her ehehe! Just imagine y/n and I she's really pretty as I walked around the hideout while thinking of y/n "oh i'm sorry! Here have your knife back" it was y/n we bumped into each other aww how sweet she picked up my knife the knife really goes well with her! "Why thank you y/n! You seem like a really sweet girl no wonder Kirishima loves you deeply!" Ugh I don't mean to be rude but Kirishima he's not a good match with y/n in fact she would be better off with me and not Kirishima! Oh well looks like this is going to be a battle for y/n's heart Kirishima just so you wait! "Anyways bye now y/n it was nice talking to you!" As I walked away

A/n: whew whew toga and kirishima fighting over y/n not to mention todoroki could this story last longer than i originally planned maybe! Not to mention a love rectangle between kirishima,shoto and toga oh to be y/n 😌💅 dang i wish I was loved like that ;-; oh well also for hxh fans my friend wrote a story abt idk her acct is animefan_222717 go read her story pls

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