chapter 20 [welcome back kiri]

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"Hey y/n have you heard that Kirishima got released from the mental hospital!" You and Mina were talking over the phone "yeah.... i saw him yesterday when i was out with todoroki" you responded "wait what!? Your joking right?" She asked worriedly "I'm not joking Mina I really saw him" "uhm well we have to keep you safe eventhough he got releases from the mental hospital does'nt mean that he is normal" she said "oh and by the way he's coming back to UA starting this Monday" she informed you "oh i see hopefully he will stop killing i hope-" As you and Mina continued to talk.

Kirishima's pov:
Well after I joined the league i have to help them collect information from UA for them how annoying at least I will get to see my y/n. I'M SO EXCITED TO SEE HER!! But there's still one problem ....... todoroki, he took her away from me he confessed to her and she said yes hmph i can't believe my pebble said yes but it was'nt her fault i don't wanna blame my pebble but i do felt betrayed she's meant to be mine >:<  I don't care I'm gonna claim her back so what if she's dating todoroki she's still MINE and will Forever be MINE...

𝚝𝚒𝚖𝚎𝚜𝚔𝚒𝚙 𝚋𝚛𝚘𝚞𝚐𝚑𝚝 𝚝𝚘 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚋𝚢 𝚖𝚎 𝚠𝚛𝚒𝚝𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚜 𝚒𝚗 𝚜𝚌𝚑𝚘𝚘𝚕

3rd pov:
As you reached your class you slowly opened the door hoping not to see Kirishima lucky for you he was'nt there yet. "Hey sho! How are you" you asked him, despite that both of you are dating both of you don't really like showing affection in front of the public unless it is neccessary. Soon the door opened "shit" todoroki said as Kiriahima walked in "hello my wonderful classmates! Long time no see ey" he said joyfully "katsuki sero stay try to avoid him as much as possible please i don't want something like last time to happen again" as you head over to them and told them. L "Hey y/n!" Kirishima said to you "oh! Uhm hey kirishima! Its been a while" "yea it has anyways how are you doing" he said while patting your head "good! What about you?" "Im doing great!" As your small talk got interrupted by Mr Aizawa's entrance all of you took your seats and listened "as you all know that our student kirishima has returned we hope that you will still treat him the same way eventhough those events happened. Now lets not waste our time all of you get into your P.E attire we're meet me at the training ground.

Kirishima's pov:
Awww look at y/n she's so cute but why did'nt she call me by the nickname she gave me instead of calling me kiri like she always did she called me kirishima  why was it because i did something wrong nah it can't be cause if i did something wrong she would give me the silent treatment but i really don't like her calling me kirishima what happened to calling me kiri i miss it. Tch it must be that todoroki's fault 😠😠 he's always with y/n he probbably corrupted her which was she did'nt call me kiri humph i don't care im gonna get my y/n back no matter what she still belongs to me. (Ok dis is so weird i feel like im making kirishima delusional 😂)

Y/n's pov:
As all of you head to the training ground to meet Aizawa you felt nervous what if Kirishima does something here i mean it is an open field he can practically do anything as you felt your boyfriend's hand on your shoulder "don't worry y/n i will be here to protect you" you faced him and smiled "thanks sho!" As Aizawa split the class into two groups one villain while the other group is a hero.I was in the hero group with ojiro,Todoroki,tsuyu,tokayami,Iida, izuku and Sero while the others were villains. We were suppose to capture all the villains within an hour if the heroes managed to capture the villains with the cuffs provided we have to bring them to Aizawa but if the villain gets captured their teamates get to help them escape. "All right the villains you'll get a 30 second head start to hide from the heroes! And your 30 seconds starts now!" As we watched our classmates run into the field searching for hiding spots our teamates and I decided to split up into pairs you and izuku, tsuyu and tokayami,ojiro and sero,Iida and todoroki. "30 seconds is up you heroes may search for the villains" Aizawa informed us. As we run off to look for our classmates, "where do you think their hiding y/n!" Izuku spoke "I'm not sure izuku do you have any clue?" I responded then i heard rustling in the tree "i don't kn-" "Hush! Izuku" as i covered his mouth he gave me a puzzled look. I pointed up the tree as we looked up we saw Kirishima as we both slowly climbed up the tree "Got you Kirishima!" As izuku and I cuffed his hands "oh dang! I was so close to winning" he said as all three of use climbed down the tree we suddenly saw a purple portal appear "Izuku do you see this!" I yelled "y-yes theres a portal" all of a sudden a blue haired man with a hand over his face came out of the portal "OH AFTER ALL THIS WHILE I FINALLY GET TO ATTACK UA HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" he laughed and laughed. "Izuku bring Kirishima to Aizawa and tell him about this i will go and get our classmates" as i informed him through my telekenisis (till this day i am unable to spell)
As he nod his head and proceed to do as i say i lifted a heavy rock with my telelkenisis and thro it at the crusty ass dude and immediately run off to fet my classmates as i saw shoto "sho! Iida! There is a villain attack!" As i said while catching my breath "Y/n!" "MINA! There's a villain attack help us and get the rest of our classmates we need to fight this villain!" I yelled "my my little girl that was'nt so nice to throw that rock at me." The blue haired man has returned shit... "hm? You seem rather familiar oh well i guess I can spare you but not the others!" As he commanded one of his creatures to attack my classmates shit i have to do something as I ran to search for the rest of my classmates to get them to safety i bumped into Mr Aizawa "Mr Aizawa the villain h-he has creatures a-and their a-attacking us!" I said breathless his eyes were shocked as he took out his phone and called in some pros as i lead the way to the creature also known as the nomu to we saw more villains they were scattered around the training field some of them were surrounding our classmates Bakugou was then being trapped by some half burnt dude he had piercings all over had blue eyes and burnt skin not gonna lie he looked cool. The moment i saw bakugou trapped i ran over straight to the burnt dude and attacked him swinging a fist at his face "Ow! Who the fuck did that" he spoke "d-dabi that girl did it" as a dude with a mask pointed at me "h-hi?" I replied "tch niw is not the time play little girl" his breathe touched my face "ew your breathe stinks man did you even brush it this morning" i said pinching my nose i was basically asking a beating from this guy at this point but at least it can save us some time before mor pros arrive and bakugou won't be harmed "anyways whats your name little girl" he asked "why should i tell you burnt face?" I smirked as he gave one in reply "your an annoying one aren't you" as he turned around to face his friend i quickly kicked him and pinned him down "katsuki help mw pin the other dude as well you idiot!" As he did what i said we both used the cuffs we received by Mr Aizawa and cuffed their hands "this is much better now is'nt it dabi is that what your name is oh well im just gonna call you that better than burnt face" as i held him up right and knocked him and his friend out we place them against a tree as we waited for some pros "are you guys alright!" Said midnight as she ran towards us "yes we just captured these two villains" i replied "oh wow thats impressive of both of you" she complimented us "im just going to get rid of these two for you alright!" She said as she dragged them. As Bakugou and I went our separate ways to look for the others "pebble are you alright your not hurt are you?" Kirishima said when i bumped into him "yeah im alright just looking for the others" i responded as i grab his hand as he lift me up "oh at least your alright!" As i saw the same purple portal again anf the same blue haired man came out again "uhm kirishima we gotta go the villains are here!" As i stepped away from the portal "oh no pebble we're not going anywhere" as i was pushed into the portal followed by kirishima going through the portal and that blued hair dude.As i felt a hard knock on my head my vision became blurry and soon the environment i was in turned black.

A/n: idk this story is idk it doesnt make sense idk 👁👄👁 i need sleep my head feels funny anyways this story had 2k reads 😳 i am shocked   👁👁 anywyas should i do a QnA for 2k  🤔🤔🤔 bye

Look at my todoroki drawing so wholesome 🥰bye

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