Chapter 4

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As they arrived at Baker St., John noticed a small parcel out front. Sherlock didn't notice it until John had picked it up.

"Package for y--"

Sherlock had grabbed the parcel out of my hand and stuffed it into his coat.

"Nope, it's a surprise." He said it with such a light, innocent tone that John couldn't help but laugh.

"What are you hiding from me this time, Sherlock?" John asked jokingly.

"I got you a present." Sherlock said sincerely.

"A present?"

"Yes, John, a small wrapped parcel that shows that I care about you. Do keep up."

John was slightly taken aback by this, but he smiled and said, "Wow. Sherlock Holmes. Buying me a gift. It isn't some sort of human appendage, is it? When I said that I missed the thumbs in the refrigerator I was being sarcastic."



"Shut up."

Sherlock smiled his beautiful smile, the smile only John got to see, and of course, John smiled back.

They entered the flat, where Sherlock took off his coat and scarf and threw them on the rack.

At this moment John realized that Sherlock was wearing the purple silk shirt that he loved so much. John's cheeks immediately reddened, to his despair, and Sherlock noticed immediately.

"Problem, John?" He asked smugly. 'He knows,' John thought.

John cleared his throat. "N-no. No problem at all."

Sherlock laughed lightly. He had finally confirmed it--John loved him. All the signs were there. The speech he gave on the roof of St. Bart's hospital and the fact he killed a(nother) man without a second thought made Sherlock certain of it. Sherlock couldn't decide on what to do. He loved John Watson, he loved him with all his sociopathic heart. But, could he really maintain John as his boyfriend? Even if a relationship did occur, what if John got bored and moved on to someone else? Sherlock's heart would break. He would probably jump off of a building for real.

Coincidentally, John was thinking the same thing. Sherlock was in love with him. He had finally confirmed it. The question was, what happens now? Knowing Sherlock, he would not want to get involved in any kind of relationship with John. "I consider myself married to my work," Sherlock had said the day they met. John remembered going red in the face and telling Sherlock how he wasn't interested in him like that.

How things have changed.

John chuckled a bit, reminiscing over this, and Sherlock turned to him with one eyebrow raised in question.

"Nothing. It's nothing." John answered.

Sherlock looked like he was about to inquire further, but he decided against it. He remembered about the present he had gotten for John, and hurried over to his coat to get it. "John, sit down." He said.

John obeyed, sitting on the couch. Sherlock sat next to him. John tried not to notice the warm, electric feeling he got when Sherlock's leg touched his.

Sherlock looked nervous, John noticed. What could the gift be?

Sherlock breathed deeply, then said, "John, as you know..." Sherlock grabbed John's hand. John's breath quickened. He was sure Sherlock noticed, but he didn't care.

Sherlock, with a newfound strength, started over.

"John, as you know, two and half years ago today I faked my own death." Sherlock said quickly, trying to get his words out. "And, I suppose, going to St. Bart's today really proved that coincidences do exist. Sometimes. I've been waiting to give this to you a while, but I gave it to Lestrade for safekeeping because I thought you'd be too angry to accept it when I first came back. After seeing our...display of feelings today, I suppose he decided to leave it on the doorstep. Anyway, um, well, here you go."

"Happy anniversary," John mumbled, disbelief on his face. It's really been 6 months since Sherlock came back. It felt like no time and forever at the same time.

Sherlock squeezed John's hand. "Just open it," he said softly, and let go.

John slowly ripped the brown paper off of the present. He didn't realize that he was holding his breath. Sherlock, suddenly sensitive and caring, moved his hand to rub John's back. "Breathe, John." He said.

All John wanted to do was press his lips to Sherlock's beautiful ones and hold him until the end of time. But for now, he focused on the present. He had uncovered a small but thick journal, with a worn but readable cover: "JOHN". He looked at Sherlock for an explanation.

Sherlock took a deep breath. This was what he'd been waiting for. Either John would accept Sherlock, or he'd deny him and break his heart. "John...I'm sure you can see it in my eyes but...since the fall I've been...I mean.. I love you, John. I'm hopelessly in love with you. And I know you might not feel the same way, but I still want to give this to you anyway. No, please don't speak yet. I'm too scared of what you would say." Sherlock took a shaky breath, and continued on. "912 days I was gone. Technically 912.5, but I..jumped around noon, so I think 912 is fair. Ev...every page of this book, and I made sure it had 912 pages, has a reason that I love you. I made Lestrade add the ones leading up to today." He started to break down. "I k-know that you might not be interested and you might think this is cheesy and so different from me, but John, I--"

John couldn't contain himself any longer. He gently grabbed Sherlock's face with both hands and brought his lips to the detective's. Sherlock started kissing him gently, but then took control. He deepened the kiss, opening his mouth as John opened his. He didn't think twice as he entered his tongue into John's mouth, causing John to moan in a way that made Sherlock want to take John, right then and there. But he didn't want to rush it, so he continued savouring John's lips on his until they were both gasping for breath. John smiled, a smile reaching from ear to ear, and Sherlock did the same. They embraced, and John whispered, "I love you, Sherlock. God, I've been in love with you for so long.".

Sherlock gasped with relief and wiped tears of pure joy from his eyes. "Open the book," he whispered sexily.

John started to read aloud. Sherlock scooted nearer to him, and wrapped his arms around his waist.

"I'm not going to be able to do this without sobbing," John said before he began reading.

"It's okay John. God, I just told you I loved you. I've never done that before. To anyone."

John was surprised by this. "R-really? Never?"

Sherlock dropped his head. "My parents weren't around much, and it's not like Mycroft was the friendliest." He smiled a small, sad smile.

(A/N: I kinda invented parents for Sherlock, I wanted this moment to be special for John/Him/You guys. The "real" Sherlock's parents [aka Benedict's actual parents] are very lovely people.)

Sherlock said this with a new energy. "But I love you John, I love you more than I could ever tell. I love you more than there are stars in the sky, even though I don't know anything about them."

John laughed, then cried. "I've loved you for the longest time. For two years, I came every day to a grave that I thought you were in. My heart broke every single day, and I would do it again for you."

Sherlock's eyes pricked with tears, and a single one rolled down his cheek. "Thank you, John." He hugged John's waist tighter and rested his head on John's shoulder. John, hands shaky, opened the book and began to read.

"Reason number one..."

(A/N: OOOH! Kind of a cliffhanger! Did you like the way Johnlock happened? Please comment and let me know. Chapter 5 will probably be a small, fluff chapter, which I might write later tonight. Please leave feedback for me to look at, I'm really kind of lost about whether I'm doing well or not. Thank you for any help.


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