Chapter 1: The Incident

Start from the beginning

"Maybe they finally followed my advice..." Sans questioned these words that he just spoke.

       Sans waited and waited, he then decided that it was best to leave and if they came back he would know and be there just as he always had.

       "I should find Flowey... he should still be around the area," Sans told this to himself like it was some tall tale.

       Sans made his way out of the judgment hall and snapped his fingers. He was now in Hotland for some unknown reason.

"I don't even know what I'm doing anymore..." Sans muttered.

       Sans stepped off of the path a 'fell' into the boiling lava or at least he did. Sans then appeared in the true lab completely unscathed.

       "I should do something in the meantime..." Sans trudged around the area until he arrived in the familiar area he had spent most of his early childhood.

       "Sans...?" Sans immediately jumped back becoming entangled with a large wired machine and ended up pulling one of the levers down along with pushing a few buttons. What the machine did no one knows for sure, but whatever it was made for it was something seriously wrong.

"Flowey?!" Flowey looked at Sans worryingly.

"What does that machine do?!" Sans turned around.

"Run... Now..." Sans yelled this as he fell into a dark haze and disappeared.

"S-Sans!" Flowey staggered back and then he too fell into the dark haze.

Sans woke up to see someone hovering over him, "Hi~ What are you doing here~?"

       Sans looked at the person's features they were a human girl with two scrunched-up buns on the side of her head and had vampire-like fangs for teeth.

"Who are you... and what do you want..."

The girl smiled maliciously, "Aww~ Aren't you going to answer my question first~?"

Sans shook his head slowly, "No... and where am I?"

The girl laughed loudly.

"You are at my sweet Izu-Chans house~"

Sans laughed coldly, "Izu-Chan... tch... alright that explains a lot..."

       The girl looked upset with his reply, "Just for that I'm going to make your death way more painful, oh~ I can't wait to hear your blood-curdling screams!"

       Sans tried to fight back, but his magic wasn't working for some unacknowledgeable reason, he looked up and saw that she was about to stab him with the knife she had just pulled out from her jackets' pocket and started to laugh crazily.

       Right, when she had the knife flying towards his face Sans summoned a sword-like bone and used it to shield himself from the oncoming knife.

"Ooh~ Feisty I like a good challenge!"

       Sans felt himself getting weaker but didn't give in, "Back off you vampire!" In the middle of their fight, Sans managed to get the vampire off of him and got the chance to get up off the ground.

"What is your problem... did you get the wrong blood type or something..." Sans spoke breathlessly.

The girl had a slightly enraged look on her face, "U-Ugh, nevermind, your words can't hurt me~"

       Sans swung his sword-like bone at the girl and managed to cut her arm, "Agh... that hurt... I'm going to make your pain 10x worse!"

       The girl ran at Sans and tried to stab him but he easily dodged and hit her in the back, she fell to the ground and smiled. Sans was confused by this sudden change in attitude, but when he realized what she wanted to do she had already grabbed Flowey and put him in a chokehold.

"It seems like your little friend is unconscious... Luckily he'll have a painless death!"

       Sans didn't know what to do but beg for her to let him go, "W-wait don't hurt him, you don't know what you are doing."

The girl laughed, "Oh, don't I~"

       "No, you don't..." Sans calmed down and continued, "You've just had a rough life and you don't know how to deal with all of the anger and pain that has been burdened onto you."

The girl looked a little surprised, "What..."

       She was about to continue when someone wrapped her into a light grey scarf and pulled her back making her release Flowey. Sans quickly ran over and caught him, but when he looked up the girl was gone and there was only a man standing there, he was wearing all black except for his light grey scarf and his yellow goggles.

"Ugh... hey kid are you okay?"

Sans stared at him but then looked back down to Flowey, "No...oh no, no no!"

       Sans realized that when the man pulled the girl back she had cut Flowey's throat, "Hey kid what's wrong?"

The man hastily made his way over to him.

"Come on kid we have to get your friend to the hospital!"

Sans was speechless for a minute until he finally spoke back, "U-Uhm, y-yeah let's go!"

       Sans was still shaky from seeing Flowey injured, so the man said he would carry Flowey.They quickly arrived at the hospital and Flowey was immediately taken into a hospital room with two to three doctors following right behind.

"Is he going to be okay...?"

       Right when Sans said this he apprehended something he should have a while ago, he was a human, and wait so was Flowey, how had he not noticed this. Sans knew there was something wrong with that machine

"Don't worry kid he should be fine..."

       The man continued, "Anyway, I'm Shota Aizawa, but you can call me Aizawa or by my hero name Eraserhead."

Sans gave him a shaky nod, "I'm... Sans..."

Sans started to rub his hands together feeling the skin on his still boney hands.

"Alright Sans, can I ask you a couple of questions?" Aizawa asked.

"Uhm... yeah, go ahead."

Aizawa looked at Sans carefully and then continued, "Thank you, now how old are you?"

Sans took a second to remember his age which confused Aizawa for the moment.

"I'm 14..."

Aizawa found this believable enough and continued to ask the paranoid kid questions.

"What is your friend's name?" Aizawa asked shortly.

       Sans considered this and thought for a moment and decided that Flowey seemed to be an abnormal name, so he made the decision that Flowey's new name would be.

"Flynn... his name is Flynn."

Aizawa wrote all the information Sans told him onto a clipboard.

"Okay, are you guys sibling by any chance?" 

Sans nodded his head, "Yeah, he's my little brother and he is about 7 years old..."

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