Fem!Deathbringer x Addax

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Deathbringer then spent the next minute dusting off any sand on her body and in her scales, before she decided that she looked good enough.

"That'll do it!" She thought. Deathbringer probably didn't even need to clean up, as she was confident that with her pretty face, wide hips and fit, muscular body, there was no way the Sandwing guard would refuse her. She had standards though, so she did it anyways.

After psyching herself up, Deathbringer slowly walked out from her hiding spot, and revealed herself to the guard. He did a double take when he noticed her, shocked that a Nightwing was right in front of him.

"What the- who're you? How did you get in here?" He cried. Deathbringer winced a bit at his volume, praying that no one heard the commotion and went to investigate. She put on her flirtiest smile, and spoke.

"I'm just a dragon looking for a good time, that's all," She replied. "And I see one right in front of me."

The Sandwing relaxed a little, the initial shock wearing off, but he still looked at her suspiciously.

"You're a Nightwing." He said. Deathbringer resisted the urge to roll her eyes.

"So what?" She responded. "I'm just looking for a little 'fun', if you know what I mean."

The Sandwing snorted. "Fat chance! Nobody knows anything about you Nightwings. What're you really here for? Intel?" He accused. Deathbringer growled, finally losing her temper.

"You moron! I'm literally offering you free sex, and you're refusing?" The assassin yelled. The Sandwing's eyes widened at this.

"Hey, I didn't say I was refusing!" He protested. "It's just not everyday a Nightwing comes into your camp and throws herself at you!" Deathbringer scoffed.

"Whatever. Do you want to do it or not?" The Sandwing thought about it for a moment, debating the pros and cons of the situation. There was zero reason for him to even consider trusting Deathbringer, but alas, he was too simple minded to care. And judging by the way he started licking his lips and the lustful look in his eyes as he stared at her, Deathbringer could guess what option he would choose.

"Well, it has been pretty... lonely around these parts lately." The guard said huskily. "I wouldn't mind some 'fun' to spice up my day." At his response, Deathbringer smirked and swayed her hips as she walked up to him.

"Good choice," she said, voice sultry. The Nightwing then placed a claw on his chin, lightly moving his head down toward hers slowly. "My name's Deathbringer. What's yours?"

"I'm Addax." He answered. 

"Addax." Deathbringer tested out the word. "A handsome name for a handsome dragon." She then surprised the Sandwing by pulling him in and pressing her lips against his.

"Mm!" Addax stiffened for a moment, before relaxing into the rough kiss. Deathbringer moaned, as Addax placed a talon on her hips, rubbing her sides up and down. It was only when he pressed his tongue against the Nightwing's mouth, asking for permission to enter that Deathbringer finally pulled away, blushing and gasping for air.

"Well, as much as I would like to continue, what do you say we continue this somewhere a little more... private, hmm?" She asked, still breathless. Addax grinned.

"Oh, but of course."

The Sandwing led Deathbringer to his tent, and before she knew it, he pinned her down onto his bed, and pressed his mouth to hers again, shoving his tongue inside her. Deathbringer moaned as he explored her mouth, wrapping her arms around his neck. He trailed his talons up and down her sides, moving lower and lower until a claw brushed over her wet folds, eliciting a gasp from the assassin.

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