Chapter 4-Preparation

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They got the funding and Niall made them celebrate with some sparkling cider in plastic cups.

With two cities to build in Harry kept busy making the arrangements. He was on the phone 24/7 and Louis wondered when he got some sleep. He didn't seem to eat either and considering Harry had given him the task to make sure he got fed he picked up coffee and breakfast on his way to work. He knocked on Harry's door and didn't wait for a reply before he entered. Harry hung up the phone so Louis walked over to the desk and put a creme bagel and coffee in front of him.
"Thanks. I'm just gonna call..." Harry began but Louis shook his head and looked firmly at him.

"It can wait five minutes. Eat."

Harry looked like he wanted to protest but then he sighed and smiled and picked up the bagel and took a bite.
"Thank you, Louis."

Louis kept him company while he ate and then he repeated the same procedure at lunch, bringing him a chicken salad.
"I will make sure to cover your expenses." Harry smiled.

"Thanks." Louis smiled.

They talked about the project while Harry ate.
"It's coming along. We're going to Cape Town first. I have found a trustworthy man who will get a crew to build the houses. Now I just have to find supplies." Harry said.

"That's awesome Harry! So when are we going to South Africa?" Louis asked.

"At the end of the month." Harry said.

Louis stared at him.
"No, we're not! You have your rut on the 28th."

"Oh, yeah, that's right. Damn, I forgot about that. Thanks for reminding me. So we're going on the 2nd then. Tell Niall to book us a flight and remind him to find the cheapest one. Can you look at housing? Again, think about the costs. A two-star hotel is more than enough." Harry said while he ate the chicken salad.

"Sure, for how long?" Louis asked.

"Two weeks and then we'll go to Joburg. Find a hotel there as well for two weeks. We'll book a domestic flight when we're in Cape Town. It's cheaper. Do you have a passport?" Harry asked and wiped his mouth on a napkin. He was done eating.

"No. I have never been outside England. I'll take care of it." Louis said.

"Then we have to make sure to make time for a little sightseeing as well." Harry smiled.

Louis nodded his head excitedly before he got up and left the room. In the weeks that followed he kept busy. He made sure that Harry ate and he started to bring his own lunch into Harry's office as well. Their conversations didn't just surround the project anymore. Harry asked him questions about his life and he answered them and asked him something. He realized that he didn't mind getting to know the Alpha.

He got a passport and googled hotels and booked them a room each at a two-star hotel in Capetown and Johannesburg, making sure to read the reviews first. He didn't want to be surprised by cockroaches or giant spiders. He also made sure that the hotel had a place for Harry to spend his rut.

Before he knew it it was the 28th and Harry didn't come into the office. Louis did absolutely not picture how Harry would be in a rut. He didn't give a thought to who he might spend his rut with or how it would have been to be the one who spent his rut with him. He would never admit any of those thoughts out loud. They were embarrassing. So what that he found his boss extremely attractive? That didn't mean anything. He would never do anything about it. He loved this job. It was the best job he had ever had.

He spent the five days that were left until they would get on a plane packing his suitcases. He didn't really know what to bring and he hadn't thought about asking Harry before his rut kicked in. So he tried to think of every scenario possible and packed accordingly. He had gotten their vaccine shots and malaria pills. He made sure to bring suppressants for more than a month. He didn't want to risk running out so he would go into heat. That would be very inconvenient and inappropriate. He made sure that he had his birth-control pills as well along with sunscreen and a different variety of clothes. He packed his best suit just in case and his swim trunks.

A car came to pick him up to drive him to the airport. He was surprised to find Harry in the backseat.

"Hi Louis, how are you today?" Harry asked.

Louis took a seat and put his seatbelt on.
"I'm good. A bit nervous to be honest. It's my first time flying."

"You'll be fine." Harry smiled.

They arrived at the airport and checked in their luggage and forty minutes later they were seated on a plane that would take them to France where they would change planes. Louis put the seatbelt on and looked around curiously. He made sure to stake out the toilets. He had a nervous bladder.

When they headed to the runway he gripped the armrests firmly, knuckles turning white. He drew in a nervous breath. His inner Omega didn't like this. The ear-deafening sound of the engines scared him and he was getting distressed. When the plane started to go down the lane to take off he let out a small whimper.

All of a sudden he felt a calm wash over him and when the plane lifted he wasn't scared anymore. He knew that Harry was sending out calming pheromones to help him and it worked. Before he knew it they were up in the air and the engine sound disappeared. He opened his eyes and glanced at Harry.
"Thank you."

"I'm glad I could help. Feeling better?" Harry asked softly.

"Yes. Flying isn't that bad." Louis smirked.

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