Meanwhile, the Survey Corps was in formation on a mission to rescue Eren. They saw Titans and began shooting red smoke rounds. Erwin ordered to the right wing to merge with the center and take the shortest path.

Mikasa was with Hannes and Armin. Mikasa was ahead of them.

"Mikasa. Hey, Mikasa! Stop pushing so hard! You're drifting up to the vanguard. Do you wanna break the whole formation?! Look, I know how you feel. What did I tell ya? Eren not gonna let them get the best of him. Just have some faith." Hannes said.

Mikasa seemed to have calmed down and looked down. She put her scarf to her face and got back in formation.

Back in the forest, Eren was slowly healing his wounds. Eren kept calm, but deep down he just wanted to kill them.

"Hey, Reiner. Got any water? Help a girl out why don't ya." Ymir said while waving her hand.

"Sorry, there's not helluva lot I can do. Even if it's a matter of life or death." Reiner stated.

"Well... That's comforting. At least I know where we stand." Ymir said.

"Speaking of which, we've been working out asses off. No food, no sleep, nothin'. Ever since those Titans showed up. That was yesterday, right? Man, we're lucky the wall hasn't been destroyed. Still, you'd think they'd give us a break. And don't even get me started on a promotion." Reiner said.

"What the hell?" Bertholdt questioned.

"Oh, c'mon. I don't think that's too much to ask for. Do you? God knows we've done our fair share of heavy lifting. Things considered. I mean, I get it. We're soldiers; duty first...It's just nice to be acknowledged." Reiner said.

Eren, Ymir, and Bertholdt gave Reiner a weird look.

"Did you bang your head or somethin'? What are you even talking about? Seriously?" Ymir questioned.

"Agh, don't give me that. I'm not saying we storm in and demand the rank of Captain or anything." Reiner said.

"The hell's wrong with him?" Eren questioned inside his head.

"No, that's not what I mean." Ymir said.

"Oh, yeah. Where did you find that cannon by the way? I owe you one for saving my bacon. Really nice of Christa to patch me up afterwards. I'm starting to think her, and I might become a thing. Right, she always treats me like-" Reiner said but was cut off.

"HEY!" Eren yelled.

"What's wrong with you? Do you think this is some kind of game?" Eren said with his eyebrows furrowed.

"Why'd you get so mad all the sudden? Take it easy, man. Is it something I said or?" Reiner asked confused.

"The fuck is wrong with you?!" Eren said his voice was slightly raspy. You could feel the anger in his voice.

"Wait. Hold on, Eren." Ymir said.

"I think somebody's gone off the deep end. Is that what this is, Bertholdt?" Ymir questioned.

"If you know something we don't, now would be a good time to put it on the table." Ymir added.

Reiner looked confused then turned to look at Bertholdt.

"Reiner, snap out of it. You're not a soldier. You and I are...warriors." Bertholdt said.

Reiner eyes widened and the ground began to rumble.

"Right. I see. That's how things are." Reiner said as he sat down and put a hand to his face.

Eren was confused.

"Think I've got a pretty good idea. It honestly didn't add up at first. Why would the man who broke the wall risk his life to safe Connie? Seems like the poor bastard's personality is...split. Everything he does is contradiction in terms. He can't control it. In one hand, he's a warrior bent on pushing mankind past the brink. On the other, he's a soldier. I'm thinking maybe he got a little lost in the role. Blows me away. Wow, someone as brutally honest as you losing their grit-" Ymir said but was cut off by Reiner.

"SHUT UP! Not another word." Reiner said.

A smirk grew on Ymir's face.

"Oh, I'm sorry. Must've really hit a nerve." Ymir said.

"How do you get off by pretending to be the victim? By wallowing in self-pity? How dare you! I told you all my story! Remember that, Bertholdt? You both looked at me dead in the eye while I told you. Don't you remember?" Eren said.

"How would you feel if I killed everyone you ever cared about?! You'd probably wanna kill me, won't you? I'll make sure to flatten that little hometown of yours.I'll make you suffer from the same pain I did." Eren said. His went was raspy full of evil intent

Bertholdt, Reiner, and Ymir looked at Eren. They were flabbergasted and scared. Ymir broke the tension.

"Tell me something. What's with the giant monkey?" Ymir asked.

"Monkey? What are you talking about?" Reiner responded.

"I thought you'd know. That's surprising. You guys were ogling at all slack jawed. I figured we were seeing some kind of living legend...The Beast Titan, he's behind this latest attack. That's why Titans are cropping up out of nowhere. I have the feeling that he's gauging our strength. Reiner and Bertholdt are trying to get to wherever he is." Ymir stated.

"How do you know all this?" Eren questioned.

"Ymir. There's no future for this world and you know it. You have a solid grasp of things. What do you think comes next? Joining our side wouldn't be out of the question if you were so inclined." Reiner stated.

"And put my faith and you guys? That's rich. None of you guys trust me as far you can throw me." Ymir said.

"C'mon. That isn't true. We know what you really want. You only care about protecting Christa. If we can all agree on that, I don't see the conflict. I'm being absolutely serious. Is it so hard to believe we want what's best for her too? Then again...You can always put your trust into Eren." Reiner stated.

"He's lying. Prevent a major crisis? He's trying to save his own skin?" Eren thought.

"You're probably thinking of escape. Better to take a chance with him than throw in with us. Because if we do end up taking you, there's not much hope for being rescued." Reiner stated.

Everyone began hearing the faint sounds of gunshots being fired off. They all turned their heads and saw green smoke signals in the air. A smirk grew on Eren's face.

"They're here." Eren said.

"Son of a bitch."

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