T W E N T Y - F O U R

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(I recommend listening to this while reading)

Mirrors by Justin Timberlake

It had been a month since Draco proposed. We had told all of our friends and Draco's parents. The wedding plans were already in motion. Bexley, Katelyn, and Pansy helped me with a lot. Draco moved into my house too. Also the night Draco proposed we might of had done "it". I was supposed to get my period a week ago and I still haven't. I went to the store earlier today and picked up 3 pregnancy tests.

"Okay, stay calm Ivy." I tell myself.

I looked down and there were two lines. I was pregnant.

"Bloody hell I'm pregnant!" I squeal.


Just to be safe I took the other two and they were both positive. How do I tell Draco? I picked up a onesie, it was grey and had "Always and Forever" on it. Draco and I would always tell each other that. I set the three tests along with the onesie on the dresser. I heard the garage door open.

"I'm home darling!" Draco yells.

I quickly slide under the covers of the bed and pretend to be asleep. I hear the bedroom door open. I slightly opened my eyes and saw Draco look at the dresser. His eyes widened and he had the most biggest smile on his face. He ran over to me and I flipped over. He crawls on the bed and lifts up my shirt and looks at my tummy.

"My baby's in there?" He asks.

I nod. He plants a kiss on my tummy.

"When did you find out?" He asks.

"Today. I was supposed to get my period last week but I haven't. I bought the tests and onesie this morning just in case." I say.

"I already love this baby." He says tracing shapes on my belly.

"Do you have any name suggestions?" I ask.

"I have always liked the name Scorpius for a boy. I am not quite sure for a girl though." He says.

"I like Scorpius. I was thinking Arabella for a girl?" I say.

"Actually, I love that. Lets do Scorpius if we have a boy and Arabella if we have a girl." Draco smiles.

"Lets do it!" I say.


*4 months later*

Draco and I had told everyone about me being pregnant. They were all very supportive. The wedding was completely planned, all that was left was the dress. Pansy, Bexley, and Katelyn came with me to pick out the dress. I tried on about 5. They were all beautiful but I fell in love with one.

(I am going to put 5 photos of different dresses. I personally like 5 the best so that is what I am going to write but you can choose whatever you want)

 I personally like 5 the best so that is what I am going to write but you can choose whatever you want)

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