The Group is here and so is Fear

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School is over and everyone just did their own business

"Guys didn't John seem different to you?" Seraphina asked. "Yeah those red streaks and chains make him look even more ruthless" Isen claimed as he uneasy about John's transformation. "I mean different internally" Seraphina stated. "He doesn't seem all the that different to me he still the same standoffish angry idiot in my eyes" Said Arlo.

"He felt more colder, darker and eyes looked really driven. Who were those people with him? What happened to him when he disappeared?" Seraphina was thinking until she bumped into a gray-haired girl making her lose her balance. "Oh I'm sorry" Seraphina apologizes as she gives her a hand to pick her up

"It's okay I should've watched where I was going" She takes Sera's hand. "She looks so cute!" Isen thought as his eyes glowed with awe. "Do you know where wellston is?" The gray haired girl asked. "Huh? Are you a new student?" Seraphina asked her. "Oh no I was just visiting a friend you see he goes to school here. My other friends went to see him but they didn't bring me along" She explained

"Yeah we'll take you there!" Isen quickly moves close to Layina. "Thanks" Layina gives him a delightful smile that made Isen blush. "N-no problem" He stutters.

Later they arrive back at Wellston
"Wow this school is very big. Much bigger than my school." Layina was in awe but snaps out of it when someone calls her name. "Layina over here!" Radite was waving at her. "Hey! Why didn't you guys wait for me?!" Layina ran towards them and gives them hugs.

"She knows those guys too?" Arlo questioned. "Seems to be the case and that means she also knows John." Seraphina stated. "Who are these people? Why is John associated with them? What happened while he was missing?" Seraphina had so many questions but not one answer which was very aggravating.

"Sorry Lay it's just unpacking everything was taking forever and I wanted to see John, you know?" Radite explained. "You're lucky I'm such a forgiving person" Layina said. Seraphina walked up to them ready to ask questions. "Hey" Seraphina greeted them.

"Hey thanks for guiding me here" Layina thanks her again. "No problem. There's something I wanna know" Seraphina said. "Oh? What is it?" Layina asked. "Do you know John and how do you know him?" Seraphina asked. "Yes I know John we met recently. Who are you? And how do you know him?" Layina asked. "I'm Seraphina and we used to be friends" The three's eyes widen.

"You're Seraphina?" Ausra asked in a subtle cold tone. "Yes" Seraphina felt uneasy. "What's with this atmosphere it became so think and cold?" Seraphina thought. Three kept giving Seraphina glares that were so cold that it could give someone hypothermia. "So you were John's former friend were you?" Ausra asked in a cold and serious tone.

"Yes. What's wrong? Did he tell you something" Seraphina asked. "Why yes. He told us how he found out that you were a traitorous bitch who's siding with his enemy" Audra continued to glare along with her friends. "What?! Guys whatever John told you he's wrong! He-"

"What you wanna us believe you weren't actually going behind his back? And that you aren't working with his enemy? Of course you would say something like that to make yourself look good" Radite interrupted Seraphina. "She seemed so nice I never would have figured she could do something like that" Layina glared at the magenta haired girl. "Guys what's going on?" John appears

"Hey John" Layina greets him. "What's going on you guys look tense-" John notices Seraphina and gives her a menacing glare. "Is this girl bothering you guys?" John asked. "No she isn't but if she does don't worry we'll take care of it" Ausra says coldly.

"Great. Even after all the time he's been gone he still believes I turned on him and now he's got other people thinking the same. I'm not liking where this going" Seraphina thought. "Guys just avoid her she isn't worth anything" John suggesting that they leave with him.

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