Preparing for Anarchy

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Trigger warning: Rape and suicide mention
Next Day in wellston

In the safe house the royals were having the safe house ready for next time. Seraphina looked like she was in deep thought so deep it's like she was at the bottom of the ocean. "Hey Seraphina" Isen tried to get her attention. "Huh?" The magenta haired girl was startled. "You look like you were thinking hard. What are you thinking about?" The orange-haired boy asked.

Seraphina was silent but then said something. "It's John" Seraphina replied. "What about him?" Isen asked. "Blyke and I went to his room to see he was there but there was nothing but dried blood and an almost empty bottle of painkillers" She said. "What?" Arlo was surprised. "Was he attacked?" Arlo asked. "We're not sure, but something bad must've happened if there was that much blood" Blyke replied "You really think someone attacked John?" Isen having a hard time believing someone had the balls to do that. "And what was with the painkillers? Did he get hurt?" Remi asked.

"I don't think so I saw him coming out of Doc's office when doc wasn't in there he had painkillers in his hand. He didn't look injured so I have no idea why he took them" Blyke replied. "John you better not have done what I think you've done" Seraphina was hoping John didn't try to end his life.

There's loud murmuring outside the room. "Hm? What's going on?" Isen wondered. The ex-royals stepped outside of the safe house and see someone walking. "Is that really him?" Isen wondered. "What the hell he has a different look from before" Blyke thought. "Why does he look like that" Arlo wondered. "Is that really you-

John?" Seraphina is shocked

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John?" Seraphina is shocked. The boy with obsidian hair now has dark red hair streaks and chains on his wrists and a completely different vibe from before. John had a flashback being with the gang.
"Guys don't you think John would look good with red streaks in his hair?" Jade asking the opinions of her friends. "Definitely" Said Cyrene. "It would suit that sexy bad boy exterior" Radite shamelessly sexualizes John.

"Keep talking and I will rip your f*cking tongue out" John clenching his fist ready to hurt Radite. "Do it with your teeth please" Radite shamelessly flirts with John. "Oh no you don't!" Cyrene smacks Radite. "Gah!" Radite falls on the floor. "John do you want to change your hair?" Ausra asked. "I'm not sure the last time I changed my hair was for a new start but I stop when things became hell" John explained

"Well if that's the case you could make another change since this is a new start for you" Said Layina. "A new start huh?" John wondered how things were going to turn out now that he's with the group and Zadok. "Let's celebrate the uprising tribulation is complete" Agni prepares wine. "I miss my room" Said Zaccai. "Wait but aren't we underage to drink wine?" John asked. "So what? We're almost legal so we might as well enjoy ourselves!" Agni exclaimed. "Partying is so overrated." Zaccai crossed him arms.

"Spoken like a true introvert" Agni says in a judgmental tone. John decided to take a glass and the taste dry bitter blackberries and the metallic taste made it worse triggering John's disgust reflex. "Bleh!" John was grossed out by the wine. "What's wrong? You didn't like it?" Layina asked. "No I didn't. It tasted weird and what's strange is I usually like blackberries but it's tastes unnatural" John explained the taste of the wine.

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