Chapter 25 - Decisions

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I open my eyes and I notice I'm in my own bed. I must have feel asleep on the couch and someone, probably Steve, carried my up. I look to the bedside table on my right and the clock on it displays the time 08:00 am. At least I got a good night sleep, considering everything that's happened. I stretch out my arms and legs and that's when I feel a sudden pain in my stomach. Aw shit, the stitches,I think to myself. I look down and place my hand over the wound. It's now covered in blood again. I quickly grab an old top and press it against the wound to stop it from bleeding anymore.

"Bruce? Tony?" I shout as I try my best to limp towards the labs. Every step is killing me and the bleeding seems to be getting worse.

"Y/n?" I hear Tony ask. He walks out to the hallway and sees me standing with a trail of blood behind me.

"I think I might have opened up the stitches" I joke as he quickly runs over to me and helps me to the hospital bed. He then runs to get Bruce while shouting at me to stay there. Yeah because I can move around Tony! I think to myself. Theres nothing worse than a concerned worried Tony. He smothers you with his need to make sure you are okay.

There was this time when we where younger, mum and dad where both out somewhere, it was just us in the house and our butler at the time. We where having a round of wrestling, and I didn't see his punch coming at me in time to duck, so naturally he knocked me out. The following days he never left my side, it was really annoying, even if I got up to do the simple things like make myself a coffee or even go to the bathroom, he would insist on him doing it, or insist on waiting outside the door of the bathroom until I came back out again. It was the worst thing ever.

We could only image what he's going to be like now after all this.

"Stay still" Bruce says as he sticks the needle back into me and I flinch once again.

"It's sore" I snap back

"Here, squeeze when it hurts" Tony says as he places his hand in mine.

"I would much prefer to be knocked out again or even something that numbs it, like alcohol, that always works." I joke, earning a glance of annoyance from Tony.

The room was filled with an awkward silence for what feels like for hours until Bruce broke it. "Stitches all done, again!" He says with a hint of annoyance in his voice. "Now don't be doing anything that's going to open them again, just let them heal, it should only take a week!" Yep definitely annoyed with me.

As I sat up I let go of Tony's hand which only made him panic more, if that was even possibility at this point. He placed his hand on my shoulder and the other on my back as I got up, trying to steady me I guess?

"Tone, come on, it's me, I'm fine" I tried to reassure him and with that he let go of me and took a step back, letting me breath at least. It was only now that I had realised that it was only us in the room. Awkwardness.

"So..." I whispered, knowing he was dying to ask his 500 questions he has no doubt prepared for me. However, I had my own questions too. "What's going to happen to him?" I ask which just received a sigh from Tony.

"Well, he admitted to a lot of shit that they have done, which saves us the job of beating it out of him, not that we haven't done that already, especially that beating you gave him..." he began to ramble on. "And then there was a few punches from all of us, maybe a lightening strike from Thor, who knows and yeah there was a few other people that wanted ago so..." I raised my eyebrow and sighed, I don't think I could care less about they did to him, I just wanted to know what was going to happen now.

We all had finished out assignments, right?

What was next?

I was only meant to be here to do this job, and now it was over, what was I meant to do? I don't fit in here, with everyone, I'm sure as hell not an avenger. And Steve, we'll that's a completely different story. This is why I push people away, you always trust the wrong people or else the people you love get hurt.

I should get out of here.

And fast.

I made a promise to myself before I came back, when fury ask me to. Never get attached again. I couldn't afford to go through all the hurt again of loosing someone you love and now it's been proven again why I don't trust anyone. I'm better off alone.

I should never have came back.

I was brought out of my thoughts when the snapping of Tony's fingers where in front of my face. "Are you even listening to me?" He asked.

"To be honest... no" he shot me an angry glare as he continued to pace around the small room. "I stopped when you started to ramble" I state earning another glance from him. What is up with the glances today?

He took a deep breath in as if he was trying to calm himself down before biting me head off. Which he would have done if not for the perfectly timed interruption.

"Sorry, but we need you for a minute Tony" Natasha simply said, more of an order than a request.

"I'll be in my room" I stated before going off, I knew better than to ask what was going on, they wouldn't tell me anyways. And to be honest, I'm not sure it's in me to care much anymore.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 09, 2021 ⏰

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