garden of the dead

Start from the beginning

"I am Aithne, the firstborn and bred witch of New Orleans," she answered fluidly.

Bonnie felt hate seep into her vines. "Your people are monsters."

"I agree," she said to Bonnie's shock. The woman took a careful step towards her. "I have come to disagree with the ways my people would do to obtain power, I've come to despise the city they've poisoned."

"So why not tell them to stop? You're their oldest ancestor, you can do something."

"I am, it's why you're here. But you see, there are other ancestors that influence the sway of the living. My voice has been muted in their reign," Aithne explained. "But..."


"I can aid you. I can grant you the knowledge of our Initial Conjuration."

Bonnie paused, taking in the offer. "I was told that it took years to learn it."

"It does. But it's not every day that the witch who created the power offers to give it to you without the sacrifice of time. I can transfer it immediately to you and when you wake up, it will guide you," she explained, pacing around in her dark teal robe, a corset at the top and a curtain drape at the bottom.

Guide her and vanquish the enemies, to kill and get rid of all the people who assisted in Hayley's murder. Bonnie couldn't resist the offer and answered, "I accept."

"But there is a cost. Since you originate from a strong line of witches that regenerate their magic and your psychic abilities have returned new and improved, the ancestral magic requires sacrifice."

"What is it?"

"You will be restricted from extending your bloodline." No more children.

Bonnie blinked slowly. She couldn't make the choice alone, not when Kai constantly spoke about starting a family. It seemed too soon to even be thinking about it but in a world like this, it was best to live life at its fullest. To do what made you happy. And she knew that she would later regret it if she accepted the choice, would know that Kai--Kai who cheated on her. Deep down, Bonnie already knew the answer. If she had a future with someone else, if the desire to start a family came up, she wanted the option. And to have a sounded amazing. So absolutely not. She took a step back, shaking off the thoughts that were prompting her to take the deal. "I'm sorry but no."

Aithne chuckled. "I thought so. You Bennett's have a knack for good, even when the sacrifice is for the greater good." The witch jutted her hand out abruptly, snatching Bonnie's arm. "Unfortunately, the choice is not up to you."


Bonnie gasped just as she woke back at the church. She panted heavily, holding a hand to her chest. It felt like someone had carved out the organ and replaced it with an energy-charged one.

Hayley was still below her, dead. That was enough to drive her to move, to tear down the people who were at fault. Diego threw the doors open, his face soaked with blood. "The witches are right outside, trying to keep us away from the cemetery."

Bonnie slid from the alter, sniffling slightly. "Keep them occupied. And Hayley...take her back to the compound and protect her. We'll bury her once it's over."

He nodded without much complaint as she brushed past him.


Kai was pacing back and forth and Sophie trying to calm him down. Everyone in the damn city was aware of what was happening. Kai ran a distressed hand through his hair. "You told me that the baby, Hayley and Davina would be left out of harm."

"I know but the witches weren't on board, they want what was promised," Sophie was trying to say quickly. "I am sorry, there is nothing we can do now."

"So all of this was for nothing? All the lessons? Do you know what Bonnie is going to do to me?" Kai seethed, taking rapid steps towards the Filipino witch.

"At least now you're strong enough to protect Bonnie from miscommunications like this," Sophie tried to reason.

Kai's blind rage lashed out and he grabbed both of her forearms, yelling in her face. "Miscommunications? Do you know what this going to do to Bonnie? Hayley dead, the baby dead? And the fact that she thinks I cheated on her with you doesn't make things any better but I can't exactly tell her what we're doing, can I? This is your fault. Davina is now going to die, taking away my ticket of keeping those I love away from my toxic abilities and chances to absorb all that infinite chaotic magic and you're blaming it on miscommunication?" Sophie's arms started to pulsate red, and her eyes drained as he began to siphon off her.

"We can fix this, I can try and resurrect them back—"

"I think that our dealership has come to an end, Dear Devereux," Kai chuckled, not pulling away from the siphoning. Sophie snaked to the ground, body sagging. Kai patted her hair delicately. "Bye now." And then he snapped her neck. 


"Isn't it gonna be funny when I kill her using her own magic? Wait. Is that funny or sad? I get my emotions mixed up."

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