Raph: Lucky guess! Hi-yaah!(Raph attacks him first but he dodges) What?

(Falco sees all of his attacks coming seconds before and he dodges every blow, before knocking him out cold. Leo tries next, but the same thing happens to him)

Michelangelo: "Wow, it's like he's psychic.

Donatello: "He is psychic, shellbrain. That's what he just said."

Michelangelo: "Oh, yeah I kinda tuned out when he did his whole 'I'm evil, blah, blah, blah thing'."

Y/N: Well let's see you dodge this. (Leaps in the air and frontflips to a kick)

Falco: Bad Kitty.

Y/N: (Lays down to the floor) Oh my tenders

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Y/N: (Lays down to the floor) Oh my tenders.

Falco: You have no chance I'm like a psycic Superman.

Donatello: "How are we gonna defeat him if he can read our minds?"

Michelangelo: "No prob, I'm good at this. I just have to fight without thinking. Wait a minute, how do I fight without thinking?! Oh no, now I'm thinking about not thinking!" (Gets knocked down by Falco)

Falco: A man who can read minds is unstoppable. Once I dispose of you, no one will be able to stand in my way.

Donnie: We'll see about that.  (Attacks, but fails and is thrown against a wall)

(Before Donnie lands he see's Y/N stand up and nods. He lands)

Y/N: Here's comes the kryptonite

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Y/N: Here's comes the kryptonite. Rahhh!

(Rock is Desk)

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(Rock is Desk)

Raph: Whoa, Donnie,Y/N nice work!

Mikey: Ha! What'd I tell you about those back flips, huh? Pretty cool!

Donnie: Now that we have the ooze, let's see what Falco knows about the Kraang.

All: [gasp]

[They realize that Falco is gone!]

Y/N: Falco's gone!

Mikey: What do we do about him? (They decide to set Rockwell free. Before he leaves he look back at them)

Donatello: "I'm no psychic, but I think he's trying to thank us."

Y/N: No problem. (Waves Goodbye as Rockwell goes through the window.)

Raph:Um, if he reacts to angry thoughts, is New York city really the best place for him?

Man:Hey, monkey! Get outta the- (Car Crash)

Y/N: I'm sure he'll be okay.

(Scene changed to Lair and Splinter and April talking)

Splinter: April, it seems you have a rare gift, a sensitivity I have trained my entire life to develop.

April: Don't worry. You'll get it.

Splinter: I did! It just took me a long time.

April: Uh, that's nothing to be ashamed of.

Splinter: What I am trying to say is that I would like to train you to be a Kunoichi a female ninja.

April: Wow! That's quite an honor. If I do this, does that mean I can kick everybody's butt?

Splinter: We don't believe in using our abilities that way.

April:Oh oh, yeah! Me neither. But I could, right?

Splinter: Yes. But I warn you. It will be the hardest thing you've ever done. It will drain you mentally, physically, and spiritually.

April: Well, can't be worse than high school.

(Later, Donnie catches April walking around the Lair.)

Donnie: Hey, April, you, uh, wanna hang out tonight?

April: That sounds great, Donnie, but I can't. I'm training with Splinter to be a Kunoichi.

Donnie: Oh.(Checks Chart) If training with Splinter Well, then, maybe we can train together sometime.

April: Sounds great! (Walks Off)

Donnie: You see? My flowchart is awesome!

[Raph and Y/N roll their eyes in annoyance as the episode ends.]


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