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the next two weeks were filled with both happy and sad moments. the two boys kept their promises and were nice to each other.. for a while.

"hey!", beomgyu walked through the doors of the bakery with a bright smile on his face. yeonjun looked over at the boy, stopping his conversation with soobin, and laughed.

"what's got you so happy?". beomgyu walked over to the two older males with a giggle. "i just.. finally realised something important".

the olders both tilted their heads in confusion. beomgyu then looked around the bakery cautiously before grabbing their wrists and dragging them into the bathrooms and locking the door.

he then turned to them and sighed before speaking. "i think i uh..", his cheeks suddenly heated up and his voice became quiet.

"ithinkimightliketaehyun". he spoke quickly making the other males eyes widen. "you what?!". yeonjun stepped closer and shamed the younger boy by his shoulders.

he then turned back to soobin and shouted, "ha! i win!". those words made beomgyu grow confused. "you win? did you make a bet on something?".

yeonjun nodded excitedly and soobin shook his head with a sigh. "we made a bet on who would tell us they liked the other first-"

"and i said you would because i know you're quick to know if you like someone". beomgyu's lips then turned into a pout and he removed yeonjuns arms from his shoulders.

"hey, what's the pout for?". soobin then stepped forward with a concerned expression. "that means he probably doesn't like me back".

something seemed to light up in yeonjuns mind because he looked over at soobin with bright eyes. "what if we call taehyun over here and try to make him jealous?".

"if he has any type of reaction that means he likes you!". soobin was about to protest but beomgyu perked up excitedly. "that's a great idea!".

soobin face palmed and chuckled, "now i understand why you're both best friends".

the four boys were now sat around a table, each sipping on a different smoothie. beomgyu couldn't help but keep glancing over at taehyun every few seconds.

thoughts ran through his mind like 'what if he doesn't get jealous?' 'i will need to find a way to get rid of my feelings if he doesn't like me back'.

he was then cut out of his thoughts when the bakery door flew open and a tall brown haired male walked in. beomgyu's face lit up along with yeonjuns.

"huening kai?". the brown haired boy looked over to where he heard his name from and his face also lit up. he hopped over excitedly and both beomgyu and yeonjun ran over to him.

they engulfed the boy into a hug. "what are you doing here? we thought you moved to the states?". huening kai laughed at his two friends.

he then looked over at the table where soobin and taehyun were sitting, both of them staring at the three boys hugging.

"oh! i didn't mean to interrupt your.. double date?". yeonjun and beomgyu immediately let the boy go and shook their heads with wide eyes.

"it's not a double date- hey, why don't you join us?". yeonjun gave beomgyu a knowing look and the younger immediately understood what he was doing.

"are you sure?". soobin then smiled up at kai and waved for him to come over. "you can stay! i own this bakery so i can make you a free smoothie like i did with the others".

huening kai quickly nodded as he felt beomgyu grab his hand and bring him over to the table. they moved a spare chair so that kai was sitting next to beomgyu.

"kai, this is taehyun. taehyun, this is kai our childhood friend". taehyun weakly smiled at kai before looking back down at his smoothie and taking a sip.

beomgyu noticed a slight change in his behaviour but didn't think much of it in the moment. soobin then came back with a smoothie and kai took it with a small thank you.

beomgyu then looked over at yeonjun who was giving him a look to start the plan. beomgyu then grabbed huening kai's hand before lifting it up.

he then placed their intertwined fingers on the table where everyone could see. "do you remember when we used to do this all the time?".

he looked over at kai and brightly smiled. kai then nodded happily, "and i remember how we used to not let go of each other when our parents said we had to".

the two boys laughed at their memories just as yeonjun looked over at them both. "oh my god i remember you were literally inseparable".

soobin and taehyun were both just silently listening to the conversation. soobin knew what they were doing and kind of felt bad for kai who was just oblivious to everything.

"i remember when you both made me the priest to your fake wedding because you thought that you would get married when you were older".

soobin then decided to join the conversation. "i would have loved to see that". the four boys laughed and taehyun still hadn't said a word.

soobin then gasped as he thought of something. "did you kiss at the end?". both beomgyu and kai's cheeks reddened up and yeonjun just laughed.

"you should have seen it! they kissed and then beomgyu pushed him away because he felt like it was 'too real', it was so funny".

"he even cried!', kai spoke up with a laugh. beomgyu then glared at his two friends, "we were six years old! i didn't want to get married that early!".

he then moved his gaze over to taehyun who had unconsciously gripped his cup too hard and spilled some of his smoothie over the edge.

beomgyu reached over the table in shock to grab some napkins. "tae! your drink spilled". the blonde seemed to snap out of his thoughts and looked down at his cup with a sigh.

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