Chapter 2: A Friendly Sensei

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I get up and walk back to my seat which somehow surprises everyone.

"I didn't know the loser would go back to his seat without getting yelled at" whispered a kid.

I look away and go back to my seat. The kid next to me named Sasuke looks at me with curiosity. What's there to be curious of?

"Naruto! What did the First Hokage, Hashirama, specialize in?" asked Iruka, my sensei.

"Um..Wood Style." I say.

Everyone gasps. Like what? Wasn't that kind of obvious? He's from the Senju clan..the ones who do wood voodoo magic.

"Nice job." says Iruka with a surprised face. this the first time I got something right or something? C'mon I ain't stupid.

"Ok..Sasuke, what did Madara specialize in?" asked Iruka

"Hn. He specialized in in Sharingan. He could even manipulate a tailed beast." said Sasuke and he went back to looking out the window and lacing his fingers together.

"Nice job Sasuke." says Iruka and he looks back at the board.

After a bunch of question answering and reviewing, he finally came to an end.

"Class is almost over. Remember! Tomorrow is the Genin Exams! Practice the transformation and clone jutsu!" he says and the bell rings. 

Everyone packs their bags and go to their parents. I wonder who my parents are.

30 minutes pass and I'm still standing outside the school. Wow my parents are real late.

"Naruto, what are you still doing here? Everyone's gone home. Why don't you go home too?" I hear a voice.

I turn around and reply, "I'm waiting for my parents." 

He frowns and squats down to my level. "Are you actually okay? You know that you don't have parents."

I freeze. What? I have no parents? Then who takes care of me? I open my mouth to speak but nothing comes out. Suddenly, I feel arms wrap around me. It's warm..Iruka is hugging me.

I smile and hug back. He breaks the hug and asks, "Why don't we go for some Ichiraku?"

"Okay!" I say.

I think in this lifetime, I'm obsessed with ramen. I don't want to blow my cover, but I am craving some mixed mushroom soup.

We get to a ramen stand and sit down.

"Ah. Naruto-kun! What would you like today? Same as always or something different?" asked a friendly woman.

"Hm..same as always!" I exclaim. If it's same as always, I guess I like that order the best.

"Dad, one miso char siu ramen with narutomaki topping!" she calls.

"Okay!" shouts a voice behind the kitchen.

Nice, my name is named after a ramen topping. Great.

"Iruka what would you like?" asked the woman.

"Umm one beef ramen please!" He says.

"Dad! One beef ramen as well!" she shouts.

"Okay!" he shouts.

Two delicious bowls of ramen are served on the table. I break my chopsticks and shout,

 "Thank you for the food!" and dig in.

Wow that's the tastiest bowl of ramen ever. It might rival my mushroom soup. I order three more bowls. Yes, I have a appetite. 

Iruka pays for the ramen and we walk out. 

"Thank you Iruka-sensei!" I say and bow.

Iruka look surprised and smiles slightly. 

"Okay. Hurry up and go home. Kids can't be out by themselves for too long in the dark!" he exclaims and we part.

I open the door to my apartment room and set my stuff on the ground. I flop on my bed and turn over. My blue sapphire orbs look at the blue ceiling.

I sigh. Why is this lifetime so difficult. I drift off to sleep and I open my eyes to a dark sewer.

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