"My hair is annoying me lately. I can only do a braid or a ponytail and urg." I said "And I think it will look nice and washing won't be such a chore." I added and he giggled and nodded.

"No, we can have that done after your trip with Trev, if that's ok? We've got security meetings all day in Gotar, so-"

"Can I go to those meetings as the Queen?" I asked and he put some of the pasta on one plate and handed it to me "Thank you."

"I think so, I'm not sure. You'll have to ask Trevor." he said carefully and I nodded at that. "I wouldn't mind though, is it because you're afraid for your safety.

"I guess." I nodded as I smelled it. "It smells great."

"Thank you" He said as he sat down on the other side, putting loads of food on his plate and I shook my head at that amused; he always ate three times more than I did.

"So, your nine questions." He said pointing to my piece of paper and I nodded as I put one knee up, not caring that it wasn't classy or something.

"Why did you lie to me?" I started and his eyes widened.

"Going there right away. Ok" He said and I couldn't help but smile at that "We-"

"No no no no no. What is it with you guys and always saying we?" I said putting my hand up and his eyes widened at my notion. "I'm asking your opinion, your take on this, your experience. You are a person on your own, I know why Will did it, and I will ask Trevor this. But I want to know why YOU lied to me, why YOU decided to do the things that happened, and YOUR opinion. I don't' care about Will and Trevor's opinions right now, I want to know why you lied to me." I said and he stared at me for a second, blinking and then nodding slowly. "I get that you're triplets and you haven't known a life without those two idiots, but I mean, you are a person."

"Good to know a point of frustration from your side. Noted." He said as he finished chewing and I smiled a bit at that and nodded. "I lied to you, because the decision had been made that we were going to do that." I rolled my eyes at that "Not a good enough answer. It's the truth"

"Really Hugo?" I said looking at him. "That could be the answer to every question I have. I know that you like to follow the rules but." I said and I put my head down and I took some deep breaths. "Why didn't you ever- I" I shook my head, I knew this was going to be hard, and slightly frustrating. I took a bite of my food.

"I can't give you a better answer than that Julia. In my mind there are rules that I have to follow, one being following the orders of the Leader king." He said. "That's how my brain works. I like to follow and live by the rules. I know that that frustrates you sometimes, but that is just the way I am." he said with a bit of sadness.

"I don't- That doesn't" I said shaking my head not looking at him. "You don't frustrate me, well your actions sometimes do, but you never would be able to that" I said shaking my head. "I'm just wondering if you never thought about telling me, why you didn't think it was necessary for me to know, and why you accepted the lying aspect? Because you could've said you didn't agree or something. I don't know." I said and he looked at me for a second.

"I didn't want you to be hurt. You would've been hurt if we said you were chosen because Heather didn't want it. Rightfully so by the way. I do understand why you're upset right now and maybe if we had told you in the beginning, that it wouldn't have been a big deal. But I for one, didn't want you to hate me any more than you did in the beginning" he said and tears appeared in my eyes. "I hurt you enough as it is, and if I told you that Heather had been chosen but she didn't want it, you would've been heartbroken and not only angry at me but at Will because everyone in our family knows that Trev did chose you." He said and tears rolled down my cheeks looking at him. "And I knew that I could twist the story of me stating that Heather was better and that she was going to be it, but that I decided on you, better, than me stating that she wasn't chosen and now it's you. It would be better for our relationship."

Locatlie: The Revelation. (Book 3)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant