The Dilemma

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    Dr. Shen called Shen Wei secretly  and told him the bad news. "Yunlan is not yours but Yezun! Take him away son before your cousin Yezun finds you!"

    As he cut the call, Shen Wei  became paler than before, "No!" Yunlan look worried on him. "Xiao Wei! What's  wrong?" He suddenly  ask. Lin Jing and Da quing  look puzzled to him as well. But when a flower vendor pass their  way he got a brilliant  idea.

    "Ah Lan! You love me don't  you? No matter what?!" Yunlan nod, "Xiao Wei! You know I gave you myself to you! My love for you is true!" That made Da quing  and Lin Jing shocked. "You gave what?!!!" Shen Wei  smirk and look at Da quing  and Lin Jing as well.

   In a minute they were married in a small chapel, with Da quing  and Lin Jing as witness. "I now pronounce you husband  and wife! You may now kiss the bride!" Said the priest. Shen Wei  kiss Yunlan passionately.  While Da quing  and Lin Jing almost cry while throwing confetti on them. And congratulating for their new life. "Xiao Wei! You still never gave me the reason why the sudden marriage?" While Yunlan still looking at the cheap ring that Shen Wei  bought to a small grocery shop.

    "I know it's  not expensive but...." Yunlan cut his words, "It's  alright! I don't  mind as long as we been married! And you gave me this! I will cherish it as if it's a diamond!"  He smile to Shen Wei.  "Ah Lan! What if I told you I'm not the one that bought you but my cousin Yezun's  father?" Yunlan smile fade, "What are you gonna do? Will you give  me to them?!" He suddenly  got worried.

    " that's  why I married you immediately!" He kiss both of his hands, "I don't  want to loose you! For now we can't  go back to our home! I'm taking you somewhere! Far away from him! Will you come with me?" Yunlan went red and nod immediately.  "Hey! What about us?!" Ask Lin Jing. "Don't  tell me were gonna give them a hitch as well?" Shen Wei  almost pop his eyes off.

   "Don't  worry sir! Where great in guarding Yunlan for you so no one can get near him!" Said Da quing.  "And yes! We also need a job since we been fired by our previous boss!" Both look at Shen Wei  with their  pitiful eyes. Making Yunlan's  heart soft for his friends.  "WHAT?!!! IT'S  OUR HONEYMOON! NO WAY!!! NO!!!" Shout Shen  Wei.

    In a minute Da quing  is driving their car toward  their destination, it's  just small ordinary house with a beautiful  garden. Shen Wei  thought Yunlan will be unhappy seeing just a small house. "It's  perfect for us to build a family!" He shout and run to see it. "Dad! What were gonna do?" Lin Jing tease Shen Wei. "Don't  call me dad! Guard the front door if anyway is spying on us!" Making Lin Jing frown while Da quing  laugh at his friend, "Dad! Is so grumpy  this day! He should be happy he have marry our Mom!" Da quing  hit him on the shoulder, "Stop joking around!"

   Inside Yunlan inspect every detail of the house. He remember  suddenly  in the past  that Zhu Hong and him promise one another to build a small family, making him a little sad.  He suddenly  slapped  himself,  "Stop reminiscing  in the past!" He said to himself.

   "What's  wrong?! Why did you slapped  yourself?!" Shen Wei  ask. Yunlan laugh while rubbing his nape, "Nothing! I just remember  something!" Shen Wei  suddenly  lift him up. Startling Yunlan, "Put me down! What are you doing?!" He shout. "Carrying my bride in our house! It's  tradition!"

    Making Yunlan red as he was taken to their room. To make love to him that day.

   Back to the Shen mansion. "Dad! I'm getting  bored when will Wei get back here?" Mr. Shen Fang is getting impatient, "Gege! Call your son quickly! I want my son in law to be here!" That made Dr. Shen quite angry, "You know his my son in law to be! Wei have announce it already! They are engage!" He shout at his didi. "Not on this paper!" Dr. Shen was shocked, it was signed  by Xin ci. "Yes! He gave Yunlan to my son! Because he lost a lot of money in his gambling!"

    Dr. Shen still reason with his didi but still he refuse. "If not my Yezun seen Yunlan is alive and well? I won't  remember  the promise of Xin ci to me? Since my son seen Yunlan in person he happily  agree to be his husband, I hope your son understand it?" Dr. Shen gripped  his didi, "Even your my fleash and blood I won't  handle Yunlan to you! His my only son's happiness!"

    His didi retrieve  his arms, "Not anymore! Don't  blame me if I hurt your beloved son just to get Yunlan!" That made Dr. Shen angry. Guo sensing his master in trouble suddenly  dash toward the two strangers mainly Mr. Shen Feng and Yezun. He bark fearsly and snarled.  Making Mr. Shen Feng run with Yezun behind. "You think you hear the last of me! My son will get what he wants!" But suddenly  got scared as Guo came running after them. They went to their car and drive away.

   "Well done!" Meow Chu to him. "Do I look cool in defending my master's  father?" Ask Guo. When  suddenly  Dr. Shen ruffled his fur. "What are you saying?! Your superdog!" Smirk Chu.

   Inside the car, "Father! Why do you want Yunlan for me?! His cute but his not my type! I'm only teasing Wei!" Mr. Shen frown to him, "You fool! If we have Yunlan we can control your strict  cousin! As you said his madly inlove with this young man! You never use your brain! You can become the CEO of Shen Pharmaceuticals! Don't  you want it?" Yezun just sight.

    Meanwhile  Yunlan prepared foods for Shen Wei  and his friends. Da quing  and Lin Jing quickly ate the foods place on the table. But suddenly  they all throw up. Shen Wei  seeing what happened  quickly throw the food in the dustbin  without Yunlan noticing it. "Yunlan! Until now you don't  know how to cook?!" Complain Da quing.  "What are you talking about? Look at the plate of my dear husband he ate it all! Xiao Wei! How the taste of the food I made?" Shen Wei  smile, "Delicious! Just like you!" Making everyone shock.

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