Being Beside You

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     Yunlan kept staring at their rundown noodles  house. Once it was full of life and people.

   Now it's  just a wreck restaurant, almost the rooftop falling and smell of rotten foods and dust lingers in. "If all of them are gone what is the use of living for?" Yunlan slumped  on the wet ground. Shen Wei  dropped  the umbrella  his holding and embrace him.

   "Yunlan ge! I'm still here! Please  don't  loose hope of living! And start kissing his cheek. Yunlan was so shocked to hear Shen Wei's  voice. As he felt so empty and cold. Shen Wei  help Yunlan to stand up, "Ah Lan! Don't  worry! I promise I will take care of you!" Yunlan just nod and was place inside the passenger sit next to Shen Wei. 

    Before leaving Shen Wei  put on Yunlan's  seatbelt and inhaling his fresh woody scent. He can't  help to lick Yunlan's  neck. Making Yunlan  jump in surprise.  "I'm sorry I didn't  know what I am thinking my love!" He suddenly  kissed Yunlan's  hand. Yunlan tried to retrieve  his hand. But Shen Wei hold it tightly. "This is not my cute, innocent didi?!" He told himself to be careful with this new Shen Wei.

    Back then he didn't  mind little, cute Shen Wei  kissing him non stop. As he thought he look to him like his own gege. So Yunlan let him kiss any where on his face even his plump lips. And he would ruffled his soft, black straight hair. He didn't  notice little Shen Wei's  eyes sparkle  everytime  he will give him a siblings  affection. To little  Shen Wei  being able to kiss and hugged  your crush is almost heaven to him. Except when they interupted by that snake girl, Zhu Hong.

    Who almost devoured his Yunlan ge's lips. He wanted to say to her, he saw him first. And his the first kiss of his Yunlan ge. No one else. He started smiling internaly while remembring that and savouring Yunlan's  hand. "At last your mine! No one's  gonna take you away from me!" He said it to himself.

     As he suddenly  step on the gas and drove away. While in the car, Shen Wei  didn't  let go of Yunlan's  hand. Rubbing and squeezing it gently. Yunlan on the other hand feeling akward of the situation  and tried to divert his attention by looking outside. But how can he everytime the traffic light went red. Shen Wei  would started kissing his hand again. And giving sweet promises to him.

    Yunlan doesn't  care where Shen Wei   take him. He just want to run away from everything that happened  to him. And forget the unfortunate  things happened  to him. He didn't  notice he fell asleep in exhaustion.

    When they came to Shen Wei's  house, he park at their huge garage.  As he was taking of Yunlan's  seat belt. He can't  help to taste those plump lips. Licking and almost sucking it up. "Mmmmph..... Ah Lan  you still taste good!" While licking his own lips. He quickly  withdraw himself when Yunlan about to wake up. "Yunlan ge! Where home now!" He gleefully  said.

   Yunlan about to open the car's door when Shen Wei  beat him too it. He suddenly  pick him up like his newly wed bride. "Didi stop! I can walk on my own!" Yunlan tried to protesting. "Yunlan ge! Call me Xiao Wei  or my love! I am already grown up and ready to be your lover or you can say your husband?" While pouting cutely to him and batting his beautiful,  dark doe eyes.

    Making Yunlan became red, "This new Shen Wei  is very bold and also cute! Ack!!! What am I saying!" He wanted to scold himself. While Shen Wei  continue to carry him inside the house since his not answering him. His maids and butler are all were shocked. "He woke up?!" Shout Butler Chu who recognize Yunlan while pointing at him. He always accompany his Master Shen Wei  when he was little while visiting the unconcious Yunlan. "Look Butler Chu! My sleeping prince! His all mine!" While little  Shen Wei  kissed Yunlan's  cheek. He felt pity for his master falling in love  to a teenager who will never wake up. But he didn't  expect within thirteen years he would wake up.

    "Butler Chu please! Stop pointing at your new mistress!" All are shocked hearing it. Even Yunlan who wanted to shrink and hide from embarrassment. "Didi!" Yunlan about to protest but Shen Wei  kissed him. The maids giggled. While the men servants was surprised. "Call me didi again and that's  not all I'm gonna give it to you!" That made Yunlan shut his mouth. While Butler Chu still frozen in his place.

    As Shen Wei  walk upstairs toward his bedroom while carrying Yunlan in his arms. He felt very light as a feather and  thin. Made Shen Wei  very worried about him. When they came to his room. He carefully laid Yunlan on the bed . While finding some new clothes for him. "Tomorrow! Will gonna shop for your new set of clothes! What do you say?" Yunlan just nod while looking at the immaculate color of Shen Wei's  room. With a beautiful chandelier  hanging at the center of the room. "Your room is very clean and lovely! Not like my room!" He chuckled.

    Yunlan suddenly  felt warm hands wrapped  around his thin waist. "Let me help you to take a bath my love!" While leaning his head to his back. Yunlan felt his heart almost jump out from his body when Shen Wei  embrace him. His hot breath whispering to his ears making him more red.

    "Don't  worry I can handle this!" But he abruptly  stand  making him fall back into the bed. Shen Wei  quickly hold him but as Yunlan fall he also was caught and almost on top of him. Making their both lips touch one another. Yunlan eyes went wide when Shen Wei  brushed  his lips gently unto him. "Let me help you! I'm your fiance! I promise I won't  hurt you!" He whispered  to him.

   In a minute Yunlan is in the bath tub. While  Shen Wei  scrubbing  his back. Yunlan felt akward being naked infront of him. But he have no strength to argue anymore. Shen Wei's  hands are very gentle rubbing his back and hair with soap and shampoo. Making Yunlan groggy, as sleep took over him. He unexpectedly  lean his head onto his arms.

    Shen Wei  felt butterflies fly inside. His Yunlan ge, sleeping  peacefully  in his arms. As he shower him gently with water and carried him back to bed to be dried with a towel. He also took a shower after that sleep beside Yunlan who unconciously  snuggle to his hold.

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