The Surprise Party

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     Yunlan was surprise  when he came back, Shen Wei  gave him a extravagant engagement  party.

    The problem is he didn't  know who are all the people invited. It's  all Shen Wei's  colleagues, friends and relatives. Making him a bit lost. They all gave him a warm smile  but as his back turn. "Who is he? I thought Suzan is gonna be the bride?" They murmured  stop when Shen Wei  glared at them.

   "Ah Lan! Why don't I help you change your clothes? Father will accompany the visitors!" As he lead him back to their room.

   While changing Yunlan can't  help be excited and nervous.  He laugh at himself because his becoming nervous and yet it's not the wedding. As he put his black suite. Shen Wei  help him in his tie. "You look handsome and dashing! No need to worry!"  He said to him while enveloping  him in his embrace.

    "I don't  know who are these people?!" But Shen Wei  kiss his forehead, "I assure you will be fine! They will be your friends  and family in the future!" As he lead him outside, "They were astound by the change of outfit of Yunlan. Making him look amazing and gorgeous  like his groom to be.

    Everyone congratulate him. Especially  Dr. Zhuiji who look interest at him. Dr. Wang seems not happy on what's  happening.  She still linger a feeling toward Shen Wei  while Dr. Sang just observe what's happening. "Congratulation to you! Yunlan!" He suddenly  kiss his hand. Making everyone shocked especially  Shen Wei  who snatched Yunlan's  hand quickly. That made Dr. Zhuiji chuckled, "Don't  worry! I won't  take him away from you!" He tease.

   Shen Wei  didn't  like Dr. Zhuiji gazing at Yunlan, something  creepy about him.  As he pulled him to be introduce to his cousins and friends. One of his cousins is Yezun who happily congratulate him and his bride to be. "Cousin! Your lucky  his so cute!" While pinching his cheek. Shen Wei  shoved Yezun hands from touching Yunlan.

  Yunlan just rubbed  his cheek and smile, making his all cousins  and friends awe. "Cuz! If you won't  marry him immediately  I will!" That frown Shen Wei  and pulled Yunlan away from them while laughing. "Yezun don't  tease your cousin so much!" One of his friend Cong Bo said. Oh! Who said I'm teasing!"

     Shen Wei  is not quite happy hearing that. But Yunlan laugh, "Are you jealous  with your cousin?" He tease his lover. "Why are you interested on him? Too late because your mine!" He suddenly pulled Yunlan to a bathroom and close the door. "Xiao Wei! What are we doing here?!" Shen Wei  replied him with a passionate kiss. Yunlan can't  resist that as he replied  to his needs as well. And he want to be worshipped  and love him for who he is.

    Shen Wei's  soft, pink lips travel to his jaw, neck and to his shoulder. "I'm crazy about you, Ah Lan!" Suddenly  his suite jacket was thrown to the floor while his shirt is brought down to his shoulder. Shen Wei  took off his button shirt and started kissing his chest toward his nipples  while taking off the button of his pants.  Yunlan just close his eyes to feel Shen Wei's  touch and kisses.  Until he felt that lips suck and lick his prize.

   Yunlan tried to surpress his cried  until Shen Wei  swallowed  him whole. He bursted with a cry for more. Luckily  outside everyone cheered for the couple and didn't  hear what happened  inside the toilet. "Xiao.....Wei!" Suddenly  his legs been lift up as Shen Wei  thrusted to him suddenly  making him yelp in surprise.  As Shen Wei kept rocking his body unto him and spilled inside of him. He moan Shen Wei's  name.

    In an minute  the two exit the toilet. Shen Wei  straightening  Yunlan's  hair and suite. "Xiao Wei! I think I'm exhausted! I think I can't  go on the party." He kisses his red cheek, "The party is not yet finish Ah Lan! Don't  worry I'll accompany you!" As he lead him to sit to rest at the stage.  Shen Wei just got up to get Yunlan some food and drinks. When Dr. Zhuiji was about to sit beside him  but Yezun beat him to it.

   "Hi! You know me Yezun?! Shen Wei  cousin! We just look alike right?" He smile sweetly  to Yunlan. "So tell me where did Shen Wei  meet you?" While  running his fingers on his arms. Yunlan still sensative from the touch of others and retrieve  his arms quickly.

    "You know I thought Suzan will be his bride! Because they're  been an item since...." Shen Wei  suddenly  shut him up with a cupcake. "Please! Stop spouting nonsense story! Suzan and I are just friends! Nothing more! Right cousin?" As he glared at Yezun. Yezun bite the cupcake, "Why yes cousin? I'm just teasing your handsome lover here!" As he stand up and left.

   Yunlan just look at Shen Wei,  "So they're  an item back then while I'm asleep?" Said Yunlan to himself. Shen Wei  suddenly  lift his chin, "Ah Lan  don't  tell me your believing in Yezun's words? Than me?" Yunlan just shake his head.  As he is afraid Shen Wei  might leave him for that girl. "No! I only believe  in you! Your my fiance!" Shen Wei  peck him on the lips, "Thank you Ah Lan  for believing  in me!"

    But suddenly  they were surprised  that Suzan came with his father. Even Dr. Shen was shocked, "What are they're  doing here?!" When suddenly  one of Suzan's  men place a portable projector at the table of the  stage and close all the lights. She suddenly played the projector on, just to see at the white backround of the stage they're  loving memory of Shen Wei and her.

    Both Yunlan and Shen Wei widen they're eyes. "Stop what your doing!!!" Shout Shen Wei.  "But darling don't  you want Yunlan to know if he didn't  wake up? Still you are mine!" The people  start murmuring  and whispering.  Shen Wei  was furious and swept the portable projector from the table and smashed  it with his foot. "Ah Lan! Don't  believe  her! These are all lies!!!" Shen Wei  shout. She suddenly  laugh, "What if I say I'm also pregnant with your child?" Making everyone shocked including Yunlan.

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