Stolen Night

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    That night Yunlan is changing his clothes to sleep beside Shen Wei.  But still felt akward.

   Looking at the mirror, "Nothing so special about me to compare to him? Why did he likes me anyway? He look's at his body from head to toe. He looks skinny, only his cute, brown eyes popping  on his face. Back then he was young, handsome and full of energy. But now....he stop himself from thinking  negatively. 

   "Yunlan! Stop thinking of the past! Your lucky you have someone  who love you dearly!" He told himself and slapped  his face to wake himself up. And put on his pajama clothes. But when he entered the bedroom, a sleeping Shen Wei  welcome him.

   He can't  help to awe at his beauty, "I still can't  believe  he grow up into a handsome man! He will always be my cute didi!" He smile to himself. And laid beside him. As he was about to sleep on his side. Warm hands pulled his waist pressing on Shen Wei's  body.

   Yunlan can't  help to be red and suddenly  become stiff, "Don't  worry I won't  do anything, just sleep." Shen Wei  whispered  to his ears. But how can he? His hot breath blowing to his ears. While Shen Wei's  face is so near to his nape. Those pink, soft lips almost touching his nape.

  And his warm body pressed  onto him, making Yunlan hot. "Yes!" Yunlan said and tried to close his eyes to sleep. But suddenly  he felt wet lips, touching nis neck and hands roaming under his shirt. Is he dreaming? "Xiao Wei?" He want to ask. "Hmmmph?" Shen Wei  still brushing his lips against his skin. "Ah Lan,  I told you I won't  do anything! Just go to sleep!" Still caressing his body and playing with his nipples.

   "How can I sleep when your making me hot!" Yunlan said to himself. Suddenly  he can't  help to moan when that soft hands tugging and squeezing his nipples. "Aaaaah.....Xiao.....Wei..." Shen Wei  have already  unbotton and slide his shirt off. Revealing his soft, pale skin. "Ah Lan...." Shen Wei  started kissing his shoulder and back. Making Yunlan arched  for more.

   Until Shen Wei  turned his face and gave him a sloppy  kiss. Tasting that sweet lips. Devouring that delicate tounge of his making Yunlan lost his mind and gave in to the desired of Shen Wei.  Shen Wei  took off his shirt as well and start kissing him again while pressing his bare body to his flustered  one. Yunlan felt his in heaven when Shen Wei  started kissing him non stop toward his bare body.

   While below is grinding to his, "Xiao.....Wei  I.....I thought were gonna....sleep only...." But Shen Wei  reply  him by pulling his pants off with his boxers. Freeing his prize whose hard as a rock now. Without any minute Shen Wei  lick and suck it. Making Yunlan open his cute, brown eyes and scream his name. As he sucked it whole.  Making Yunlan burst into him.

   Shen Wei  swallowed it whole and smirk, he took the lube from a night stand. And prepared himself to thrust his prize to Yunlan who moan for more. Shen Wei  kept pouncing at Yunlan that night until both fell exhaustion to one another. And fell asleep.
    But as midnight came a small rock tap their window. Yunlan woke up and slipped  away from Shen Wei  to take a look to see whose tapping at their window. As he look below he was shocked,  he saw his father. "It can't  be?!" He tried putting a robe but as he step he fall on the floor. His body still ache because of their previous  love making.

    He didn't  notice Shen Wei  woke up and help him to get up. Yunlan went red looking at Shen Wei's  bare body. "Yunlan! Why you stand up so suddenly?!" Yunlan rubbed  his forehead and told Shen Wei  he saw his father. But when Shen Wei  look  at the window.  Theres no one there but the dark night and the crickets chirping. 

   Shen Wei  look puzzle on Yunlan. Yunlan run back to the window. "It's  true I saw him! My father! He looks old and about to cry!" Shen Wei  suddenly  wrapped  his arms on his waist. And enveloped  him in his embrace. He kiss his shoulder. "I think your hallucinating Ah Lan! There's  no one there!'' Yunlan want to protest.

   But he was lift up by two strong hands and carried back to bed. There Shen Wei  cocooned him into his embrace. "Don't  worry Ah Lan we will see the best  psychologist! Doctor Fang! Tomorrow!" Yunlan was shocked, "I'm not loosing my mind! I really seen my father!" Shen Wei  just caress his hair. "Yes  I know." Making Yunlan loll to sleep.

   Outside the old man hide when Shen Wei  came at the window. But come out when he close the curtain. "So your fine my son! Your alive!" Xin ci started to cry.

    The next day Yunlan been examine if his hallucinating or not. "Just give him time Mr. Shen his just adjusting to his surroundings.  Remember  this is the only time he woke up in this past few years and bad news welcome him. He is shocked  in finding out his parents are dead and all the people he knew left him. Luckily  he have you!" Said the Doctor Feng. "I am the one whose lucky in having him all to myself." That made Doctor Feng chuckled,  "Young love?!''

   Suddenly  Shen Wei  got an idea to make his lover happy he brought him to a pet store. "Ah Lan! Pick a pet do you like!" Yunlan 's eyes sparkle, "Really?!" A cute golden retriver that caught his eyes and a black cat that have a green eyes.

   Shen Wei  bought the two pet for his lover, "Tell me Ah Lan! What names do you want?!" Yunlan made a deep thought. The  golden retriever  kept licking his cheek and looking adorable to him. "Let's  call it Guo!" While he look at the arrogant cat who hiss to the dog because he wants his all attention only to him. "Why not?! I'll call him Chu!"


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