Part 24

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It's been a week and only  3 days are left for wedding. Everyone is very busy making all the arrangements for wedding and here I am doing nothing bcz they don't want me to do anything except rest. Yesterday we shopped for wedding and they make me go with yoongi oppa, jin oppa and hobi oppa and rest of the boys shopped with tae and jin oppa warned me telling me 'don't show your dress to tae. 'and I just listen to them but they know tae so well that they know he will make me show my dress to him so they ended up taking dress with them.

Today namjoon oppa said he have surprise for me but I'll get it in the evening. So here I am waiting petiently.

It's almost evening so I decided to were something nice so I started to find something good but comfy.

It's almost evening so I decided to were something nice so I started to find something good but comfy

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After wearing dress I head to leaving room . Soon door bell rang and I saw tae coming So I stand there waiting for him to notice me. Finally he noticed me and come towards me and kissed me on forehead. I smiled and looked at him.

"You look good babe. Are you going any where?"He asked me and I shook my head.

"No. namjoon oppa said he have something surprise for me so I thought may be getting ready in good outfit wont hurt."I said and he nodded.

"I'll go get change."HE said and I nodded.

After he left. I make my way to kitchen and jin oppa was making something so I make my way towards him.

"Jinni oppa what are you making?"I asked

"I am making dinner honey."He said  and I nodded.

"I'll help you then."I said but stopped me.

"no You are not doing any housework bcz your wedding is near and I want you to take rest"He said lil bit sternly.

"Okay."I said pouting. "Oppa do you know what namjoonie oppa have surprise for me?"I asked and his eyes went wide.

"He have surprise for you?"He asked me and I nod  in agreement.

"AND THAT BRAT DIDN'T EVEN TELL ME."he yelled and I flinched he noticed and instant calm himself.

"Y/n sorry I didn't mean to scare you."He said 

"no oppa Its okay. Really."I said.

"I am home."We heard and jin oppa huff and rush towards living area and I follow him like lost puppy.


"huuhh??" only this words left from namjoon oppa's mouth.

"why are you yelling hyung."Yoongi oppa rush towards us rest of the boys following him behind.

I was there standing with open mouth and blinking my eyes trying to understand what just happened here.

"close your mouth babe."Someone said and close my mouth and looked at the person it was tae looking at me.

"Y/n"I heard someone familiar and everyone's heads snap towards the voice.

And I saw someone behind namjoon oppa slowly peeking. when That person came out I saw her smiling towards me.

"unni"I said and she nod slowly tearing up.

I run toward her and hugged her tight like my whole life was depend on her. And slowly we started crying. Not wanting to leave each other.

"Y/n"I heard someone calling me.and I pulled away from hug to look who it was still holding her hand.everyone was looking at us with questionable face.

"Ohhh she is rachel unni. we used to work together."I said and everyone nod.

And then everyone's attention moved to namjoon oppa who was smiling at us fondly. Soon that smile fell as he looked at other who was glaring at him wanting to know how and when this happen.

"W-what"He asked shuttering.

"Care to explain."jin oppa said folding his arms to his chest making me giggle.

"Ohhh that. Let's sit first. We should not make our guest stand like that."He said and everyone make theirselves  comfortable."Well." And he starts to explain.

"AS you know y/n was in library and I love to read books so I asked her about some books and I went to her library there I found some of the workers were talking about y/n. So I went to them I just to hear what are they talking they were saying that some rachel is constantly calling from states to ask about y/n. And how she sounds so worried. So I asked our manager to get some info about her and after some days when he found about her. He give me her number."He pause for a while and start to telling again.

"So I called on the number and tell everything that happened in these 6 months and she said she is coming to korea soon so I told her that y/n is getting married to taehyung and the wedding is happening in like some days so she should come and stay with us as they have lot to catch up so I took her here."He said and looked at unni smiling.

"Y/n this is your surprise."He said looking at me I got up from my seat and went towards him and hugged him .

"Thank you oppa"I said and he kissed my temple.

"Your welcome."He said showing his dimple smile.

"Taehyung-shii I want to say something to you."unni said getting everyone's attention.

"Yes noona"Tae said politely. "Should we talk in privet or you are okay to talk in front of them?"He said.

"No It's okay. she seems close to all of you so I'll tell in front of everyone."She said smiling.

"now that you are going to marry her make sure you keep her happy. She had hard time before she is a anti social person she doesn't like getting attention.Just don't make her cry or else you have to face me."She said sternly and I saw tae gulping.

"I am giving you my lil beanie make sure you never hurt her. I trust her with you."She said and looked at me smiling.

"I'll keep her happy noona don't worry .You can trust me."He said smiling.

"Okay everyone I am almost done with dinner y/n take rachel-shii to your room to get fresh n up I'll call you when dinner is ready."Jin oppa said and we nod."yoongi take her bags to y/n's room"HE said 

"Hyung I am to tired to get up now ."He said whining.

"yoongi-ahh "Jin oppa said sternly.

"Ughhh fine I am up don't start anything now."HE said and got up from couch took the bags and we made our way to my room.

He place the bags on the  floor and left the room.

"So my baby is going to get marry before me huh?"Unni tease me.

"Unnniiiii"I said whining.

"I am happy for you"She said and hug me kiss me on my forehead .

 "I missed you unni"I mumbled.

"I missed you too beanie."She said and we talk for an like hour till oppa said dinner is ready.

I am so happy that unni is here. Everyone is so happy I really found my happy place.

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