Part 7

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Yoongi P.O.V(point of view)

"YOONGI-SHII" I heard someone call me so I turned around I saw a girl panting while looking at me maybe trying to say something but before I could respond my staff started to talk.

"Yoongi-shi you should go it's almost your time to go. She is just a fan we'll handle her you go" one of the crew member said to me.

"Hmm. Okey"i said giving last glance to the girl and started to walk.But I felt something off about her, maybe I am thinking to much .I shrug my all thoughts away and get on the stage.


He left. I was going to yell his name again but I felt someones hand on my mouth and that person starts dragging with him god knows where. I tried to get out from his grip but it's like impossible for me. with in 5 mins I was in dark room in that stadium.He pushed me harshly on the cold floor and started to beat me. After he done with his beating other 2 men come to me and lift me and make me sit. I was bleeding, coughing blood bcz of his merciless beating he didn't think twice that am a girl he just release his frustration on me. I was barely conscious .

Then the men come to me he grab my chin harshly and lift my face to look at him.

"LOOK WHAT YOU HAVE DONE BITCH" he said and slapped my hard making me fall again.

"Mark. enough now just kill her "the 2rd man said

"What will we tell to boss, that bcz of this lil piece of shit we missed our target. He will kill us Joy"Mark said.

"We'll make up something to him now just kill her. We have to leave fast concert is about end "Joy said.

After their lil discussing session that mark took one still rod and come to me.I looked at him with wide eyes.

"No"I said with tears in my eyes" please don't".

"sorry princess. Have a good journey ." mark said lifting rod. I closed my eyes getting ready for impact and I felt it on my head. I felt something hot liquid running on my shoulder I know it was my blood.My vision got blur. My body fell on the floor .Everything of my body felt numb.And everything went black.


I saw her slowly drifting into deep sleep.

"We'll throw her on the way somewhere"I said.

"okay" Joy said.

"Let's go."I said and John lift her body and we made our way to van. No one noticed us bcz as usual that fireworks show in the end of the concert took everyone's attention. And we started to leave the place smoothly.

On the way we found one forest road no one was there. So I told John to stop the van.

"Stop" I said. 

"Why, What happened" Joy Asked.

"Throw her body boys" I told John and jack and the obeyed.

They took her body from the back seat and throw her on the street. And get back to van and we made our way to our hideout.

Their precious oneOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora