𝚎𝚙𝚒𝚜𝚘𝚍𝚎 𝚜𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚢-𝚘𝚗𝚎 - 𝚙𝚊𝚌𝚒𝚏𝚒𝚎𝚛

Start from the beginning

After thinking about it, the group decided they were going to go to Jesus' community and see what exactly was going on there so everyone hopped into the RV and were off. Daryl, Michonne, Madelyn, Rick, Abraham, Glenn, Maggie and Jesus were the ones travelling.

Daryl and Madelyn were sat next to each other, her head leaning on his shoulder as they both rested a hand on Madelyn's stomach. Glenn was doing the same with Maggie. "I can't believe we're finally going to see our little one." Madelyn said as her hand found Daryl's. "You hoping for a boy or a girl?"

"I don't mind." Daryl said. "As long as it comes out kicking and crying."

"Well, obviously." Madelyn said.

"I didn't tell you but yesterday at the gas station, I found this." Daryl said, opening his bag and pulling out a pacifier wrapped in plastic packaging, making Madelyn's heart melt.

"Oh my god." Madelyn gushed as she looked at it. It was all starting to feel real. Madelyn and Daryl hadn't really picked up any baby stuff. The pacifier was the first thing they got so it was a rather big moment.

"I know I haven't found much but-"

"No, it's perfect." Madelyn said, looking at Daryl. "I love you."

"I love you." Daryl said before they both kissed. Madelyn looked back at the pacifier and couldn't stop herself from smiling. They were actually having a baby. They were actually starting a family and Madelyn couldn't wait.

Everything was going well until the RV started slowing down, making everyone look forward. "Yo, Rick. What's going on?" Daryl asked.

"We got a crash ahead." Rick said as he stopped the RV. "Looks like it just happened."

Everyone looked outside and saw a car flipped on its side with a few walkers sticking out. "That's one of ours." Jesus said as he quickly rushed outside to check. There was blood and guts smeared everywhere. Everyone followed Jesus to check it out and Rick held a gun up to him.

"If this is a trick, it won't end well for you." Rick said.

"My people are in trouble." Jesus said. "They don't...we don't have a lot of fighters. I know how it looks, but I'll play it out. Can I borrow a gun?"

"No." Daryl said. "We got tracks right here."

Everyone followed Daryl who followed the tracks until they made it to some store. Rick knocked on the window to see if anyone would turn up. "They gotta be in there." Jesus said.

"We moving in or what?" Abraham asked.

"How do we know this ain't a trick?" Daryl asked.

"You don't." Jesus said.

"We'll get your people. You're staying here with one of us." Rick said.

"Mads and I will stay." Maggie said.

"Yeah, you guys go." Madelyn said. "Be careful."

"Yeah, we're gonna be careful." Rick said as he zip tied Jesus' wrists.

"Just hurry." Jesus said.

"You hear me whistle, shoot him." Rick said to Madelyn and Maggie. They went inside, leaving the girls with Jesus.

"So, who's is it?" Jesus asked Madelyn.

"What?" Madelyn asked.

"The baby." Jesus said.

"Oh, Daryl's. He's my husband." Madelyn said.

"What about you?" Jesus asked Maggie.

"Glenn." Maggie said.

"Did you guys-"

"No, we didn't plan to get pregnant at the same time. It just happened." Maggie said. "Besides, Madelyn is further along than me."

Rick and the group came out with Jesus' people and once again, they were off. Madelyn was sat with Maggie and Glenn as well as a doctor they had rescued. "The name's Harlon." He said.

"Maggie. That's my husband, Glenn and this is Madelyn." Maggie said.

"We were bringing back medication so you may have saved more people back there than just us, Glenn." Harlon said.

"You're a doctor?" Glenn asked.

"Yeah, you want some prenatal vitamins?" Harlon offered Madelyn who smiled appreciatively.

"Got any for two pregnant women?" Madelyn asked. Harlon looked in confusion.

"Maggie's pregnant too." Glenn said.

"Well, I was an obstetrician before, and I most definitely owe you so I'd say you two just hit the jackpot." Harlon said, taking the vitamins out for Maggie and Madelyn.

" Harlon said, taking the vitamins out for Maggie and Madelyn

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