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We're sitting here for 5 hours now. And I get more nervous every second.

"Bakugou I'm sure he's fine. It might be a good sign when they're taking so long."

"How is this a good sign?!"

"If he was dead they would have already told us." I feel myself getting  pale. He's right they wouldn't take so long if he was already dead.

Finally a doctor walks out. "Ground Zero, Shoto and Red Riot you brought Deku here right?"

"Yes how is he? How is my husband?" I ask him. Sometimes they won't tell us anything, so I tell him we're married. It's not known to the public, only our class and some heroes know. Of course all in our agency too.

"Oh you're married? I didn't knew. I just wanted to say that I can't tell you anything in detail, but this changes it. Well first of hes unconscious, but not in a life thretening situation anymore."

I sigh. "Thank you. I was so worried."

"Apparently there is more. As you saw he has a lot of injuries. Some will heal without any sign they were ever there, but a lot of them will leave scars. His back, arms and legs are severe burned. We had to give him blood transfusion, he lost a lot. Also we gave him an i.v. He's dehydrated and probably didn't eat or at least not much these past days. He was also injected with some drugs. On makes his quirk unuseable and the other lowers his pain tolerance.
Also the room we put him in is kept dark. His eyes didn't get much light for a while and too much light will hurt him. The next part will dissappoint you the most. We found signs that he was raped multiple times. I'm sorry. This are just the physical parts, we don't know how much mental demage he took, so be carefull when he wakes up. You can visit him now, but keep it quiet he needs to rest a lot."

The doctor bows and leaves. So they really did that to him!!! I wanna kill them so bad!!! But right now Deku needs me. I walk to his room followed by Shitty hair and Icyhot. I open the door, the curtains are closed. The only lights inside are from the monitors that show us his heart rate. I walk further inside and Deku is lying on his bed, wrapped in bandages almost from head to toe. On his arm is an i.v attached where water and blood is going into his body.

He looks even more tiny and fragile, as if I touch him he might break into a million pieces. I take a chair and sit besides him. I take his hand and start to cry.

"I'm sorry Deku. I'm sorry I couldn't protect you. I'm sorry I couldn't save you earlier."

"Hey it's not your fault. We all wish we could have saved him earlier, but thanks to Kurogiri they were able to get so far away. We are at the other end of the country, there's no way to blame you." Shitty hair says.

"He's right. Midoriya needs you right now. You can't break down and blame yourself for everything. You need to stay strong for him. He'll need you when he wakes up." Icyhot adds.

"You're right. I need to be there for him. Thanks guys." I say.

It's quiet for a while. "We should leave you two alone. Call us if you need anything. We'll check on you tomorrow." Icyhot says and they both leave. I keep sitting there holding Deku's hand.

At some point I fall asleep.

Deku pov.

I open my eyes slowly. I'm still in pain, but it's better than before. It feels soft and soon I realise I'm laying in a bed and my arms are not longer above my head. My shoulders ache from the long time they stayed in that position and my wrists hurt a lot. I feel something in my hand and turn my head to the side.

It's dark but there is a soft light, so I can see without my eyes beeing hurt. Kacchan is sitting in a chair next to my bed. He fell asleep, but he is holding my hand. So it was no dream. He really saved me. I start to cry. I'm happy I'm finally out of there and with Kacchan.

"Ngh. Deku?.....Deku!! You're awake!! Hey why are you crying? Does something hurt? Should I call the nurse?"

"N-No. I-I mean y-yes I'm still in a-a lot of p-pain, but I'm n-not crying b-because of that. I-I'm happy. I'm h-happy I'm f-finally with you a-again. I m-missed you so m-much." I smile at him.

He starts to cry too. "I missed you too. I was so worried. I'm sorry I wasn't there in time."

"Don't worry Kacchan. It's not your fault and you saved me. That is all that matters. Thank you." He hugs me, but carefully to not hurt me more.

We stayed like this for a while. Then he seperates. "Do you know why they kidnapped you? If it's to early to talk about it I'm fine with it."

"No it's ok. They wanted ofa. Shigaraki got afo's quirk and tried to get it by force, but the previous user of ofa stopped him. They tried to break me, so I would give them my quirk voluntarily."

"Deku um.... w-what did they do?"

I start to cry again, this time because of the memories of everything they did. Kacchan hugs me again.

"Shhh it's ok. You don't have to tell me. Take your time. Tell me when you're ready." I just nod. I can't tell him. Not now at least.

After I calmed down again Kacchan calls the nurse and a doctor. They make some tests and tell me to rest. The drugs should weare off in 2-3 days. They gave me some pain killers and told me that the pain will stay for a while and to keep it low I should take the pain killers every 6 hours.
My arms will be limited in their use for a while and it will be harder to do anything. They said a bit longer and I wouldn't be able to use my hands anymore.

They leave the room and Kacchan tells me to rest and that he stays with me. I feel save with him and fall asleep pretty fast.

Reaching our future (Book 2 of time travel) (BakuDeku)Where stories live. Discover now