3 years later

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Deku Pov

It's been 3 years now since we graduated UA. A year later Kacchan and I married. At first we worked at the hero agency of best jeanist, but 1 year ago Kacchan and I started our own together. We both got pretty fast up in the billboard rankings. I'm currently at number 4 and Kacchan is number 5. It kinda pisses him off, because he's behind me. I always tell him it's because of his behaviour, but he won't listen and yells at me whenever I say that. Well it's just how he is.

I'm at our agency right now doing some paper work. Running your own agency is a lot of work. It's more stressfull than I thought, but I think we manage pretty well. Kacchan is patroling right now, but should be back soon.

Over these 3 years we saved a lot of money and currently are looking for a house. Well we were. Just yesterday I found the ad about "our" house. We recognized it immediently and decided to buy it. Today after work we're having a tour through the house and the seller said if we like it we can sign the contract later too. I'm so excited.

Thanks to Kacchan I barely think about the stuff future me told me back than. I still have nightmares some times, silly I know espacially since it didn't happen just now. But when I think about it I get anxious, because I don't know when it will happen and I'm getting near it day by day. Kacchan mostly refuses to leave me alone besides beeing home or at the agency, the only 2 safe places as Kacchan would say.

"Hey you finish?" I look up from my desk to see Kacchan standing in the doorway.

"Kacchan you're already back?" I ask smiling.

"Already? Deku the house tour is in half an hour, we need to hurry." I look at the clook on the wall behind me and he's right. It's already 5.30 pm and the meeting is at 6 pm. We're still wearing our hero suits and it takes 25 minuites to get there.

"Oh sorry Kacchan. Should we go in our suites? I don't think we will be there in time if we change first."

"Yeah just lets go like this. They know our faces anyways. C'mon hurry up or I take the tour alone." He turns around and walks out.

"Hey wait for me." I run after him and lock my office behind me. We get into Kacchan's car and he drives there.

"I'm so excited. Do you think we should make it look the same as we saw when we treveled to the future?"

"I liked the stile so why not. Everything you want."

I smile at him. "Aww Kacchan you can be so sweet if you want to."

"Tch don't get used to it Nerd." He said that but smiled too. After around 10 more minuites we arrive at the house, just in time.

We get out and are immediantly greeted by the estate agent. "Ah welcome pro hero Deku and Ground Zero." (I know it's Dynamight but I love ground Zero so maybe I cange that in some storys. Both sound good.)

"Sorry if we're a bit late. I got caught up with some work." I say.

"Don't worry, you're just in time and it wouldn't be strange if such good heroes as you two would be a bit late. Please come inside I'll show you the house."

"Thanks." I say and we follow him inside. He showes us everything, but we know most of it already. It looks a bit strange without the furniture, but nothing we can't change.

"So what do you think?" He asks. Kacchan and I look at each other and answear at the same time:" We take it."

"Great thank you. I've already got the papers finish, just as you requested Deku. All you have to do is sign it." He lays the paper down on the counter and a pen next to it. I take the pen first and sign it, then Kacchan does the same.

"This settles everything. There is still some stuff in the basement from the previous owner, but you can move in at the first next month. We finish everything 'till then and we'll send you the keys."

"Alright thank you. We can't wait to move in. Well good bye than." We wave each other and leave. The tour took longer than I thought and it's already 9 pm. Kacchan starts driving again and I feel myself doze off.

I must have fallen asleep because the next thing I know is Kacchan shaking me awake.

"Come on we're home sleepy head. I got us some food on the way and I won't carry you inside."

"Yeah sorry for falling asleep. Thanks for getting dinner." We both get out of the car and walk into our apartment. Only 2 more weeks and we'll move into our house.

I'm really happy but also really exhausted.

"Tomorrow is your day off right?" Kacchan asks me.

"Yeah. I really need it. It's the first in almost 2 weeks."

"You should rest tomorrow. I have to work so stay home and rest. You look really exhausted. Hurry up eating and go to bed before you pass out right here."

"Hehe yeah."  We both sit down at the dining table and eat, not bothering to change first. I almost fall asleep 4 times while eating but somehow I finished.

"Go to bed Deku. I clean up."

"No I wanna help."

"No you just gonna break our plates. Go get some sleep. You do the clean up next time."

"Fine." I get up and walk to our bedroom. I get our of my costume, but am too tired to change into a proper pj, so I just take one of Kacchan's hoddies and lay down in bed. I fall asleep as soon as I got under the covers.

Bakugou pov.

I finish cleaning up our dishes and walk into our bedroom. I take off my costume and take a towel. I go to the bathroom and take a shower. After that I put on my pj and go back into the bedroom.

Deku already fell asleep on our bed. I notice he wears one of my hoodies. "Idiot can't even get properly dressed for sleep." I walk over to my side of the bed and get under the covers.

I kiss Deku's forehead. "Good night Deku."

I'm worried. We both know something bad is going to happen to him, but we don't know when. We just get closer to that moment by days. I don't want him to go out on his own, so I hope he stays home tomorrow. I won't be there to look over him.

I know we're not supposed to change the future and they said it would be necessary to get something good after, but that won't ease my worries. I don't want it to happen he seemed broken, even though he tried to look happy and if nothing happened but even back than I could see it in his eyes. He takes a trauma from it and I would want to avoid that.

Deep down I know I can't change it or prevent it from happening. I can just hope Deku won't break down compleatly and I need to be there for him.

With these thoughts I drift off to sleep.

Reaching our future (Book 2 of time travel) (BakuDeku)Where stories live. Discover now