Day Before the Party

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"Is there anything you would like to know?" Seven says while taking his fork and poking at his food.

"Well... if you don't mind, I'd like to know more about your childhood. Last night, you left off about how you had to leave Saeran behind, but didn't go into much detail about your relationship with your parents."

"Yes, that's fine. I should probably start by telling you about them."

"My father is a government official, which I won't get into much detail about since you could be put in danger because of it. Both him and my mother had an affair, while he was married to another woman and had a family. Both Saeran and I were the product of that affair and my mother used us against him for money, in return, to keep quiet about us. My father had a squeaky clean image and our existence alone could ruin all of that. So while my father lived his life, as a twisted man with a lot of power, Saeran and I were left to live with our abusive mother."

Seven paused for a moment, so I could take in everything he just said. He looked down at his plate of food and after what felt like forever, he actually ate some. I sat there in silence, waiting patiently for him to continue, just grateful he was eating. It seemed he was having trouble finding the right words to describe his mother, but soon after, he continued speaking.

"My mother... she made our life a living hell. She constantly reminded us that if we were to ever leave her sight, our father would get a hold of us and kill us both. So we stayed at home with her almost all of the time. Saeran was more of a victim to her abuse though, since he was the weaker and smaller twin. I always promised him that I would get us out of there and protect him. So when V came up with the plan of me joining a secret agency to hide my identity, of course I accepted. I was willing to do anything to save my brother. But that required me to leave him behind... and now I have no clue what happened while I was gone. But I'm ready to find answers."

"Oh and I forgot to tell you that Rika was the one who collected all of those pictures and sent me the hard drive. She sent it to me on my 20th birthday as a reminder that Saeran was safe and doing well. He seemed so happy in all of those photos... I thought he was doing fine without me... I had no idea that he had turned out like that... the Saeran you had seen."

"Are you following with everything I'm saying? I'm sorry I blabbered on for so long..." He asks picking up his fork again to finish the rest of the food on his plate.

"Yes... it was a lot to take in, but I understand. I'm so sorry you had to go through all of that. I would have never guessed you had such a dark past, since you were so cheerful in the messenger. But I guess you can never really know people by how they are online. I should've known that and for that, I apologize. I'd like to understand you better now. The real you." I say, looking at him directly.

"There's no need to apologize Y/N, it wasn't your fault. I feel so much better after telling you all of this. I'd like to be completely honest with you from now on." Seven says looking back up from his plate.

"Speaking of being honest, I was planning on going to Mint Eye, the building where Saeran is and collecting information. I'd like to know what it is and how it works. I just don't know where you can go that you'll be safe while I'm gone..." His voice trails off, as if he's deep in thought.

"I'll go with you! You can't go to Mint Eye alone. It's too dangerous!" I say, trying to persuade him.

"Since when do you care about danger? It seems you're always getting caught up in something." He says, in a half-joking manner.

"I'm serious this time! I can't allow you to go there by yourself and put yourself in harms way. You have to take me with you."

Seven sits there for a moment, pondering if I really should be tagging along with him for something as dangerous as this.

"...I'll have to really think about it. Your safety is more important than mine. I wouldn't know what to do if something happened to you." He says, finally breaking the silence.

"Alright, I'll give you some time to think about it but I really don't want you going alone. I care about your safety just as much as you care about mine. Maybe even more."

"Haha... I don't think that's possible. But okay, I'll let you know soon. I just need to make a plan before making any final decisions." He reaches his hand out and puts it on top of mine, softly caressing it to reassure me.

"Thank you, Seven." I say, smiling.

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