2 | No [1/?] - Bakugou x Todoroki

Start from the beginning

Todoroki could see the subtle flicker of pain in the ash-blonde's expression, so he furrowed his brows and shook his head at the woman. "Disgusting? The only disgusting thing in this room is the words coming out of your mouth." His glacial stare was a bullet of ice.

"Excuse me?" the same woman snapped. "What, are you going to stand up for that thing that's below a human? Someone as hot as you shouldn't be protecting the trash of this world."

Todoroki was never one to lie unless it was of paramount importance that he did, but the words which were launched from his mouth had been duplicitous. "You assume I'm not gay? You're wrong." He shifted his gaze to the garnet-eyed man while the crowd that had aggregated around him shuffled away with their jarring remarks of revulsion. "Hey. Are you all right? I'm Todoroki."

And I'm not gay, Todoroki sighed to himself. Well, I guess I don't know yet. I could be, but I don't know. I guess he's attractive.

"Tch. Katsuki fucking Bakugou," Bakugou sibilated. "I'm fine. You didn't have to say a damn thing." His eyes remained glued to the floor.

"She had no right saying what she did," Todoroki replied while tucking his pencil into his bag. "I'm appalled. Anyway... As thanks for returning my pencil to me, why don't I buy you a drink or something?"

Bakugou arched his brows. "You fuckin' serious? That's more expensive than it woulda been to buy a new pencil, dumbass."

"I know."

"Tch. Only cuz yer offerin'," the vexed student mumbled in compliance.

Little did either of the two anticipate that their encounter would progress from a nascent friendship to a month of dating, from dating to officially being boyfriends for a year, and from being boyfriends to being engaged as fiancés. One could argue that their love was perfect since they understood each other incredibly well and had never once engaged in a detrimental argument.

So, one night, Todoroki decided to admit the truth about his history of depression and what had resulted from it. He seldom mentioned his mental health or offered shards of his past to even his fiancé, but because they were to be wedded, and because Todoroki loved the man that was soon to be his husband, Todoroki figured that it was time to reveal the truth.

"Katsuki?" Todoroki called out to Bakugou as they headed off to bed together.


"I have something I want to tell you," Todoroki sighed while Bakugou plopped down onto the bed. "I... Sorry. It's...difficult for me to talk about my feelings, even if they're from the past. Do you remember why I've never changed while you've been in the room before?" He sat beside his lover on their bed

Bakugou nodded. "Course I do. Self-consciousness, right?"

Todoroki exhaled slowly. "I...somewhat lied. I don't like lying, but I didn't want you to worry or think me insane. Ah. It's easier if I show you." With that, he slid his turtleneck over his head to reveal a plethora of scars that had fully enveloped both of his arms from shoulder to wrist.

The ash-blonde was evidently nonplussed, but after a moment of staring at the self-inflicted scars on his fiancé's arms, he whispered, "Shoto... Oi, oi, oi... I'm taking the sharp things—"

"Katsuki," Todoroki replied while firmly clutching Bakugou's wrist, "I've been clean for over two years. I'm...proud of that. It got so bad... I couldn't stop. I...had to be rushed to the hospital for it, and my sister ended up saving me. I'm glad... Katsuki, I'm so glad." He coiled his arms around Bakugou. "I'm happy. I forgot...what that felt like for so long. I've never been so happy." He cracked a faint, authentic smile.

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