Chapter 3 - It started with a book

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A racket formed in the living room just past seven and you had no idea what was happening. You left your mess of a room to see vases and cups smashed everywhere with smoothies, milk and possibly ice cream spilt all over the floor.

"Thor you absolute fucking idiot. I can't believe you would even take my ice cream after i nearly killed you last time." Nat yelled. Stark rushed in and stopped Natasha from pulling out the gun once again.

Banner ran in from his lab to see the room in a state. It was worse than your room. "What the hell happened up here." he gawked as his mouth fell open to sustain his surprise.

Natasha looked him dead in the eye. "I'm going  to end up killing the god of thunder." she said dully. Not an emotion formed on her pale skin. A smile nor a frown. Nothing. That is when Banner knew she was deadly serious.

"What on Midgard happened here?" Loki whispered to you as he crept in from his room. "Natasha is going to kill your brother because he ate her ice cream yet again, i believe." you whispered back to him. He smiled at you at the brink of laughter. A small smirk found its way to your lips as you looked up at the god.

"Right that's it, We are cleaning this whole entire floor tomorrow including your guy's rooms because it is starting to get even more messier and i cant stand it." Wanda stated. You rolled your eyes knowing you had the most work to do out of all the Avengers.

A laugh tugged at Loki's lips as he saw the dread in your eyes. "Antlers, i will fucking stab you if you laugh at me." you huffed. "Yet again dear i am daring you as such." he smiled.

You rolled your eyes once more and headed back to your room. You at least tried to get a head-start at cleaning. I mean it wasn't easy but it wasn't as hard as you suspected it to be.


As you sorted through piles of old clothes on your floor a knock was placed at the door. "I believe this book belongs to you." A familiar voice stated. You turned to your door to be greeted with the raven haired god grinning at you. "Thank you Loki, i have been looking for this for ages." you grinned back at him. "I believe i must have stolen it from you when you were irritating me but i really did enjoy it." he bubbled.

A grin was placed onto your face as you clutched the dear book to you. It was a gift your father has given you before he left to travel. Unfortunately in a boating accident he passed away. He wasn't found for at least 2 days and it broke your heart that you didn't even get to say goodbye to your father before it was too late.

You looked at the front page to see your father handwriting engraved into the book. it read 'count how many pages it takes me to get back' and you did do that. You read the book over and over again until you could recite it off by heart. Of course reading the book an extensive amount you waited and waited for your father to arrive home but he never did. So you stopped reading the book because it hurt to much. Dust collected on it through the years but it was still precious yo you and probably one of the most valuable things to you.

Loki smiled at you as you traced your finger over the writing. "what does it say darling?" he asked. He knew exactly what it said. He'd read the book thousands of times whilst back on Asgard. It reminded him of the fun he had when he was on Midgard. It reminded him of the early mornings he found you sulking in the kitchen. It reminded him of when you used to argue. It reminded him of the music you blasted when he was reading. It reminded him of you.

"It says 'count how many pages it takes until i get back' , it was the last thing my father gave me before he passed away." you choked.

You hugged him and he hugged you back. It was a strange feeling that built up inside you but it was nice. Nice to know you had someone there for you. He may leave but you knew he would always care.

He let go of you and straightened out his jacket. A smile found its way to your lips. A smile found a way to his also. But you had a sudden urge to do something you had never wanted to do to the god before.

You kissed him. But he kissed back. He clearly wanted this as much as you. Was it a true feeling though. Or was it just gratitude coming over you after he returned a special item.

You pulled away breathless. So did he. "I um, yeah um i gotta go." he stuttered practically running down the hall. A small laugh left your mouth. It was funny to see the god all flustered. Especially because of yourself.

 Especially because of yourself

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swaggy man <3

- cat :)

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