Chapter 8

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You brace yourself for the dumbest request you've ever heard."We're planning an escape, we're gonna get the hell out of here." ... oh, an actually good idea? How strange. "Can we get your help or nah?" Stu gets in your face awaiting your answer. You shove him away and nod in Billy's direction. "Holy shit really?!" Stu squeals. "Dude we totally got this!" "Shut up you idiot!"Billy hushes Stu and pulls out a crinkled piece of paper. "Listen, we have everything planned out." Billy gives you a full explanation of the plan.

"We go outside for breaks every other Friday." Billy states "But there's a shit load of guards when we do!" Billy rolls his eyes. "we see that as our best time to attack." You nod. "There are 3 guards by the closest opening, and two by the door we come out of. If we can get EVERYONE in, we can totally take them all out easily and get the hell out before the people on the cams can call for backup." Since when did these two have such sophisticated minds? "We're thinking that Chucky sneaks the key card and gets the gate open while Bubba, Jason, Micheal and Brahms take out the guards. You, me and Stu will find a close inmate bus and get Hannibal to drive, We pull back around and get everybody in." You take in the plan and you actually think it might work. "The problem is... everybody in this place hates us-" "Yeah, they say we're annoying!" "They say YOU'RE annoying." Billy clears his throat. "That's where you come in." Stu pops in. " You've been talking with a lot of people lately, that's fine and dandy." Billy pushes Stu away. "BUT, we need you to focus on Micheal." You look over to the stone cold statue of a man... oh jeez. "We don't think we'll be able to get through to him, but you can butter him up for us. " Billy sighs. "I wouldn't fuss about someone like Norman, but we NEED Michael, he's a power house, we just need to have him on our side, and not working against us, at the moment if he's given the chance of freedom he'll kill all of us to get it." This was a lot more serious than you would've expected. You end up siding with them. You did say you liked getting to know this group, but who said it had to happen here? "You've got till Friday, we can get pretty much everyone else on board on our own." With that, free time was over.

Thinking over the plan that night, you realize how easily it could go wrong. You'll have a lot of inmates helping, but you never know how ready the sanitarium is for attempted break outs, plus your doing it in mid day light AND taking a Smiths Grove bus, it'll be so obvious that it's the escapees bus cause we'll be driving around the town like we're in a regular car.

"That's a fair point." You had taken your worries to Billy and Stu, they collectively were hit with a mental face palm. "How the hell did we plan to escape and we didn't even have a place to go!" Stu whines and Billy looks around the cafeteria. "We could go to Michaels old house, though it's a little small for all of us." Billy suggests. "What about Leathers place? He's from Texas or some shit right?" Stu offers. "I think that's to long of a trip." Sighing Billy runs his fingers through his hair. "I guess we'll have to go with Micheals for now." Freddy scoffs. "I know I already agreed to help but you guys are fucking idiots." Chucky cackles. "I better not die again, it's always such a bitch." Freddy grunts and frustratingly actually has a good point. "How the hell do you dumb asses expect to go through a busy town, drive through a calm neighbourhood, and keep a sanitarium bus in the fucking driveway?" Stu wheezes. "God why are we so bad at thinking!?" Billy interjects. "We'll have to find a house in the woods or off the grid...but how the hell are we gonna know where to go when we don't have any maps?" You try to think as hard as you can, and something popped in your head. "Huh?" You point over to Hannibal. "What?" Stu asks puzzled. "OH- I get it!" Stu leans in. "I don't get it..." You shove him away. "I'm guessing your gonna try to get him to help us right?" You nod, the boys kinda just blow over what you did and continue to try and figure out where they need to stay. You decide to take things into your own hands and set your plan into motion. Going to Bubbas table you tap him on the shoulder. He smiles and waves to you, waving back you point to his sketch pad and motion for a piece of paper. He happily tears a piece off and hands it to you, you borrow a crayon with it and show your gratitude with a quick and small peck on the cheek. Step 1 complete. You didn't have free time today, so you had all the time in the world to get step 2 finished. You laid in your bed and held the paper in one hand, hopefully it'll work, you know those idiots won't be able to find a place anytime soon without Hannibal's help. You finally decide to get some rest, tomorrow's sure gonna be entertaining.

You wake up to the footsteps of the guards coming down the hall, you quickly hide the paper and crayon, before getting up and heading to the cafeteria. While on your way to sit at Stu and Billy's table you stop by Bubbas and give the crayon back he claps his hands and haves like a child as you turn around and plunk into your seat. As soon as you do so, you find out the boys are still busting there balls trying to think of a place to stay... idiots. They start fighting and the overlapping yelling starts twisting and pulling at your mind...

"What? Gonna run away with your food?" The girls laugh and poke more fun. Gripping the empty tray, Y/N seethed with rage. Picking it up, she stiffens and crashes the tray into the closest girl, making her upper body slam into the empty bench seat beside her. The group screams like a group of hogs as Y/N just barely shoves the table away and mounts the girl as the slams her fists down each HARDER and STRONGER than the last. Guards rush over and rip her off the ground. The hall was filled with a tornado of screams and alarms while the girls are mortified staring at their friends liquified and gushing head. They all should've been on the floor with her...THEY ALL DESERVED IT.

[Stuck Together] Slashers x Reader  Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя