Everyday Routine - Johnny

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Hey guys, look who's back with another segment. And yes this is an individual segment, for our Fashion Diva Johnny Suh.

This was requested by Mercury_Flair , Thank you for requesting girly, hope you like it.

Without further delay let's dive in JohFam.


Johnny's POV......

After my practice session I regularly go to this coffee shop, Cause I'm a regular customer there they know what I want and I sit in a place where o can see others but others won't be able to see me. It's good, I want privacy, Sometimes fans become too much for us.

Anyway this is what would happen everyday, but this one day I saw this girl sitting near the window of the coffee shop she ordered a Black Coffee and sat there hours stirring it. She looked lost and by close look of her face I saw drops of tears on her cheeks. Even though she was crying, she looked absolutely beautiful for some reason. Because it was getting late I had to go, but she still sat there looking lost.


The next day...

Again the next day I sat on the same place with my Coffee. And I saw her again. She still ordered a Black Coffee and sat at the window still looking lost and crying a little bit.

This happened the next day....

The day after that....

And the day after that too......

Today I decided to talk to her. I didn't care if she answered me, I wanted to know why she cried. She was too beautiful to cry and even though she was beautiful and all I really can't see girls crying, makes me think of all the hardship they must be undergoing and I wanted to know what exactly was her hardship that made her cry everyday. Maybe I can help her. 

I sat near my usual place and looked at the door to see whether she was coming. And yes she did come, and indeed she was really looking lost once again. It seems she was already crying on her way here. I decided to let her  some time to settle down and then approach her. And hence after 30 minutes or so I decided to talk to her. I gathered all my courage and went near her and called her.

"Excuse me " I called her in a low tone, faring I might startle her. She immediately wiped her tears and looked at me and replied  "Yes, do you want something ?" Shit even her voice is so beautiful, I was so mesmerized by her voice that I forgot what to ask. So I started to blabber crap, like I messed up for real. " Um what's the time? "

She looked at me confused, cause I had my watch and also my phone in my hand. So I had to say something. " My watch is not working " She nodded head and looked at her phone and looked back at me " Oh, It's 5:30 ~ " I'm pretty sure I smiled like an idiot but anyway I hurried " Thank you" She smiled softly at me.

I'm an Idol and courage is something which should come naturally to me, but she took it away just my her voice. Time my ass, I cursed myself that the stupid me thinking what had happened back at the cafe.

NCT AND WAYV Funnynarios (2)✔Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ