Prince Of Wales: The Black Mental Cube is the key to project Orochi I've have no doubt that is this all part of the sirens plan

Hornet: Well Shoot this definitely has something to do with my Sister, Niece and my Grandniece right

Prince Of Wales: What's the update on Enterprise,E and Enty

Belfast: we're performing diagnostics on their bodies and gear but so far nothing out of the ordinary

Cleveland: But for Enterprise I knew her to be an exceptional shift but *Flashback* I was afraid of her back there she was terrifying

The Park

Javelin: We've got so many things to buy let's do that first...... You going to be living here for quite a while right that requires lots of things

Laffey: Shop has things

Javelin: So we're going to the shop first I just love things

Looking around was a bunch of Shipgirls hanging out with each other and then a base ball roll and hit Ayanami's shoe

Borg: Hey can you. Throw me that ball

Ayanami throw the Baseball towards Borg and caught it and the girls around her we're amazed

Borg: Wow looks like we got a promising rookie

Javelin and Laffey we're impress about it too

???: Hey you aren't you the ship Ayanami

Aulick: How Exciting there's a new girl here

Thatcher: Yeah That's her she's the one we were just talking about she's that Girl from Sakura Empire

Spence: Hold On That was her

Charles Ausburne: I thought so, Well well everyone knows how you save your Sakura Empire Friends

Ayanami: *No Response*

Charles Ausburne: You put yourself at risk to save others that's so cool, And you two Laffey and Javelin good job as well you guys are great Allie's

Javelin: *Chuckles*

Charles Ausburne: Anyway if you ever need help just ever need any help just let The Little Beavers Know that would be us and we'll be right there for wherever you may need

Ayanami: Mn oh Okay thank you

Charles Ausburne: We'll see you soon then onward duty calls

Spence: Um I'll see you later bye

Thatcher: I hope we can all play a game together sometime

Laffey: I know what you're thinking nobody thinks badly of you you don't have to worry about that

Javelin: Come on let's keep moving

Ayanami: This Feels weird but whatever

???: Hey Javelin Hey Laffey

Javelin: Hey Enty

Ayanami: Excuse me so are you

Enty: Oh My Name is Enterprise but you can call me Enty I'm actually the Granddaughter of The Grey Ghost and the The Other Enterprise that's save you was my mother

Ayanami: You're Related to the Grey Ghost

Enty: Thats right and I assume you're Ayanami right

Ayanami: Yes

Enty: Pleasure to meet you kid

???: Hey Enty *Hugging Enty from behind*

Enty: Kennedy really

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