Chapter 12

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"Can we go to the zoo?"

Rowan's POV:

"Can you move your seat up?" Bucky asked from the back of the van. I tried and failed to suppress my smile. This had been the whole car ride.

"No." Sam retorted.

"Why couldn't we take one of my cars?" Tony whined turning to me and twirling a strand of my hair. "It would've been just the two of us."

I rolled my eyes as my siblings tried and failed to contain their laughter at the people in the car. "It's easier this way. They would've all grumbled for the rest of the day and you know it."

"Who cares about them? I'm Tony Stark!" He pouted.

"That you are but that doesn't make you any more important than everyone else in the car." I retorted.

"Yes it does!" He screeched.

"Can we get chicken strips?" Peter asked from the back.

"Fuck ya chicken strips!" I yelled looking over my shoulder at the now awe struck arachnid.


"Finally. Get the fuck out the car Wilson." Bucky grumbled as he pushed Sam out of the car, only to have Sam reply with a fuck you and a kick to Bucky's face.

"Language." Steve remarked from outside of the car.

Bucky scoffed angrily while picking me up and bringing me out of the car. "You didn't yell at Ro. Why's you yell at me?"

"Woah woah don't bring me in this!"

Steve rolled his eyes. "Everyone get out the car."

"Don't be mean Cap." Wanda spoke, seemingly seemingly coming out of nowhere making everyone jump.

"Let's go!" Peter squeled like a little kid. I held up a hand signaling everybody to wait. "What babe?"

I stared at him for a moment smiling before turning to the others. "Can all weapons, suits, and otherwise stay here?"

"Why darling?" Loki said as he teleported here.

I hit his chest. "Stop that." I rolled my eyes as he pouted. "Your all children. But please?" Andre and Sasha nodding along.

They all grumbled but complied. Soon, there was a variety of knives, guns, wings, suits, web bracelets, a hammer, a shield, and a metal arm that may have hit Sam's head on its way into the car.

"Thank you." I smiled satisfied. They all mumbled some unkind words which caused me to roll my eyes. "Children. I told you. This is why they had to stay."

They all sighed and began walking towards the zoo but stopped when I held my hands out with a pout.

My soulmates noticed but didn't do anything before Bruce finally walked over and grabbed my hand and interlocking it with his. I smiled at him and we began to walk again.

"What was the point of that Ro?" Thor asked curiously.

I hummed softly and squeezed Bruce's hand softly. "I tend to be clingy."

They all nodded and walked inside, Tony coming up to take my other hand.


"No Tony." I sighed as I pinched the bridge of my nose.

"C'mon baby-" He groans.

"No! You cannot buy me a panda just because I said it was cute!"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 13, 2022 ⏰

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