Chapter 2

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Rowan POV:
The next week had gone by agonizingly slow. Rowan and Sasha had taken up bunk in Mamá's house and all 3 of them were taking turns spending the night and going home.

Since a week had passed and me and Rowan were getting our finals results today, Mamá volunteered to stay at the hospital so we could be in the house together when we got the results.

"Alright Sasha, 11:48, and your freaking out. What's going on in that big brain of yours?"

"What if I failed? What if I never become a doctor? What if everything that I've ever put forth effort into doesn't work out and I end up a failure? What if Andre ends up dying because they can't find his soulmate?" She pants out, her eyes filling up with tears. Panic Attack. "Oh my God, Andres gonna die, I'm going to be alone and a failure and.. and..." She gasps for breath in between sobs as I rush over.

"Hey, hey, it's all going to be okay. You are not a failure and Andre is going to be alright. You are going to be an amazing doctor. Listen to the sound of my voice." I speak softly, squeezing her hand in sync with my heart beat to help her calm down. "Listen to the sound of my voice. Everything will be fine. Now, can you tell me 3 things you feel?"

"Uh... I feel your hands, um the couch, and the pillow? Right?" She questioned.

"Your doing great Sasha." I complimented as her breathing began to calm down, with the beat of my hands squeezing hers. "See? Everything is going to be fine."

The computer dinged again, signaling the return of our exam results.

She turned to me again with wide eyes. "You did great! I know it!" She looked nervous and doubtful, but nodded anyway.

Opening the laptop, we pulled up her scores first.

"Holy hell child. This is so good!" I squeled as I launched myself at Sasha.

She looked shocked. "A- a 93%? What? H- how?"

"Because your amazing! That's how! I told you that you did good."

She smiled. "Well, if you say so I guess. Let's look at yours now!"

Laughing I pulled up my results. "I- I passed." Laughing, I wiped away a tear. "I passed! We did it Sasha! We did it!" Hugging her again, I started crying happy tears along with her.

"I told you that you could do it! This is amazing!" She exclaimed.

Laughing, I nodded along with her. "Business and Culinary. I can't believe it. And you Doctors degree in pediatrician and English. I swear. Thank the stars above."

We actually did it. After 4 years of anxiety, pressure, and all-nighters, we did it.

"Rowan, I've been thinking about something." Sasha started hesitantly.

"Uh oh, that's never good." I joked, still happy from the results. I immediately sobered up though when I saw her serious expression. "Hey, okay. I'll take it seriously. What's wrong?"

She paused for a moment, seemingly contemplating her words.

"Okay, hun, your scaring me. What's going on? Did you find them?" I ask, referring to her soulmate.

She chuckled without humor. "No. But they are kinda what I want to talk to you about. We've officially graduated and soon enough we're going to get our diplomas. Andre may or may not be able to find his soulmate in a week, I mean, Andre may not even be up in a week. All of our soulmates are here. My soulmate is HERE. I can feel it, and I have a feeling you do too, your just pushing it away." I hesitated. She was right of course, but I didn't want to accept that. "Rowan, I want to move here."

I was taken aback. Move? Across the country? To New York City? The city that never sleeps. She's going to leave me? "What did you say?"

She looked worried. "I want to move here Rowan. I think it'll be good for me. And I think it'll be good for you too. If you decide you want to move with me, that is." I looked up at her, surprised. "C'mon, you didn't think I'd really leave with you did you?"

"Of course not. You need me to much." I joked. It's the other way around.

"Rowan, I would never leave you. Your my sister. You know that right?" She said worried.

"I know, I know. And I would never leave you either. It's just- I mean they-." I couldn't explain it. They've been my family for years, but the word. The word family isn't something that I'm used to.

"It's okay. I understand. Just remember, not every one in the world is out to get you. "

Scoffing, I mocked hurt, knowing she hit a spot. "Rude. I guess I can't make you some of my famous hot chocolate then. Oh well." I said, holding out the well, knowing she can't resist.

"Hey, I didn't say that now. " She said following me into the kitchen. "C'mon! Rowan."

"Oh yes?" I asked innocently.

"Can you please make me some hot chocolate?"

I pretended to think for a moment, before sighing. "I guess."

She jumped off of the counter and hugged me. "Thank you, thank you, thank you!"

Laughing I shoved her off slightly. "So, if you like it so much, maybe we should look into places to hold a Cafe for when I move here with you." I said, gauging her reaction.

She gasped and shot her head up to look at me. "Are you sure?"

I smiled softly, stiring in the peppermint. "Yes. I thought about what you said, and you are right. You are my family and I think a fresh start will be good. No matter how many memories last here, there are many more ahead."

She grinned widely. "Thank you! I still have to take a few years to finish my masters. I'll help you in the cafe to pass the time. I was going to go get a random job but if it's okay with you, I'll work with you."

"That would be amazing! I'd love to work with you." I exclaimed. This would work out perfectly. "Here you go."

"Oh my gosh thank you." She hummed in delight, licking excess whipped cream off her lip. "This is delicious!"

Laughing I nodded. "Can't say I disagree with you there."

"C'mon. We should look at places for the cafe just to get a look at what's out there.


We ended up looking for 45 minutes before finding one we both liked.

"I think this one is good. It's has a good space, it's in a good area, near central park. Granted, it's near what happened to Andre, but it's near the heart of New York." She offered.

I hesitated. "But the price is really expensive in this area. I have some money saved, but do you think it'll be enough?"

"That doesn't matter. We'll all pitch in."

I quickly shook my head. "I couldn't ask you to do that. With everything you have going on and you guys have already done so much for me-"

Sasha quickly cut me off. "To bad. We're helping no matter what. End of discussion. And, I've already booked an appointment tomorrow to look at the space."

"You guys are to much for me sometimes. Thank you."

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