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Rowan's POV:

"Sasha, let's go! Your going to be late!" I screamed across the apartment.

"I'm coming! I'm coming! Don't get your panties in a twist." I laughed as she stumbled down the stairs tying her sneakers. "Fuck it."

I looked back over my shoulder to see her kicking off her shoes and strolling over to grab her purse. Laughing I asked, "No shoes?"

"No. They're to difficult and I can't lace them. Now, didn't you say we had places to be? Chop chop!" She said shooing me with her hands.

Shaking my head, I locked the door and followed her to the car.

Putting my key in the ignition and laughing as ACDC's Back in Black came on. Turning around to the back seat, ignoring Sasha's questioning look, grabbing a pair of black slip ons for my best friend.

"God, you are a lifesaver. Thank you so much!" She said slipping them on.

"Now c'mon, we have finals to take!  Yay!" I remarked with complete sarcasm.

She laughed, completely agreeing with me.


Rubbing sleep out of my eyes, I checked the time once more. 11:43. Only a few more minutes to go.

Stifling a yawn, I looked up to see an equally tired Sasha walking towards me. "You too huh?"

She hums in agreement. "Well, if it's only consolation, in a week, you can figure out if you get a degree or still need to take a few more years. "

"Let's go home. We can rest up and converse in the morning, when the sun is nigh." I said jokingly making fun of Sasha, who is majoring in English and a doctor.

"Oi, I've read and wrote enough english in the past few hours to last me life time." We both laughed entering the car.

As I was about to back out, Sasha got a call from her mother.

"Hola mamá." Still slightly chuckling, but quickly stopping. [Hello mama]

"Sasha?" I whispered. She held up a finger to silence me.

"Que esta mal más despacio, por favor." She stated calmly. "Bueno.  Bueno.  Esta bien.  Rowan y yo estaremos allí pronto.  ¿Dónde dijiste que estabas?", [What's wrong slow down, please.  Okay.  Okay.  It's okay.  Rowan and I will be there soon.  Where did you say you were?]

I waited, the silence eating at my nerves.

"Si. Está bien mamá.  Estaremos ahí. Adios. Te amo mamá." Sasha hung up the phone before breaking down completely in tears. [Yes. She's fine mom. We will be there. Bye. I love you mama]

"Hey, hey, it'll be okay, just like you said. What happened with Mamá?" I said reaching over to hug and console her.

"Andre... He.. tuvo un accidente! He's in a hospital en New York. El médico dijo que no se ve bien. Mamá wants us to come, por si pasa algo." She said sobbing into my arms. Sasha tended to resort to spanglish in emotional trouble. Spanish is her first language but adopted the English language growing up in the United States. [He... had an accident!  He's in a hospital in New York.  The doctor said it doesn't look good. Mamá wants us to come, in case something happens.]

"Bueno.  Saldremos ahora y reservaremos el próximo vuelo disponible." I spoke softly, in hopes of calming her down slightly. [We will head back and book the next available flight]

It worked only a fraction, but some none the less. We quickly drove home, the night filled with worry for the one I consider a brother.

We managed to book a next day flight, heading straight for New York City.

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