Chapter 9.5 - Teaser

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Third Person POV:

All was quiet among the Avengers Compound as everyone was busy doing their own thing for the evening.

Natasha was making dinner.
Loki was in the library reading.
Thor, Bucky, Sam and Steve were training.
Clint was showing Peter his vent forts.
Bruce was in his lab working on his new chemical theory.
Tony was tinkering with his newest suit.
The twins were out on an errand together for Tony.

Everyone was off in their own little world, the occasional clash of weapons and shouts of a curse word were the only sounds heard.

The sound of a cell phone ringing broke the silence of Tony's workshop, startling him and causing him to get shocked by an open wire. "Damnit." He cursed.

Looking at the ID, he saw Wanda's name pop up.


A childish scream echoed throughout the compound, putting all of the avengers at alert. They all rushed into the living room, weapons in hand as Tony literally jumped up the stairs, still screaming.

"Tony, what's wrong?" Natasha asked trying to be the voice of reason.

"Wanda- Pietro- grant- cafe- she-" Tony gasped for air as his head pounded with nerves.

"Hey, hey. Tony. Breath. Breath." Steve said in an attempt to help. "Listen to the sound of my voice. Listen to me. It's all going to be okay. I promise."

After a few moments, Tony was able to calm down enough to tell the story.

"You guys remember that Cafe I sent the twins to this morning." Everyone nodded. "The owner she's our soulmate. They're bringing her here. Now. To meet us."

The room was silent for a few moments before it was broken.

"You bumbling baffons! Let's get going! If she's coming here, there's much to be done!" Loki yelled.

That snapped everyone out of their trance everyone yelling and pushing each other out.

It was going to be a long night.

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