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*two months later*

Grace hadn't been having much luck lately, her friends were still excluding her, she nearly failed a test and she almost got in trouble for defending a kid who was being bullied all because she pushed the bully off of him. Those were nothing compared to what was coming her way though...

It was her last lesson of the day, she was sat tapping her pen on the desk since she had nothing better to do, maths, ugh who even likes maths? She was snapped out of her thoughts by the bell, finally, home time. One good thing was that jay let her walk home now, and she felt a little more confident so she didn't have a problem with it. She strolled off the school campus and began walking home, she got home safely and done her usual. Lock the doors, grab a snack and do her homework.  And probably check the doors again...

It was around 6:30pm so Jay should come home soon, right? Right? She was sat watching bambi minding her own business to fill in the time, 6:45pm, 7:00pm, he shouldn't be long, 7:15pm, this is weird, 7:30pm, okay okay okay don't panic, 8:00pm. Okay, fine...PANIC! She huffed since it's been an hour and jay still wasn't home, at first she didn't worry since he could've just been at the store getting groceries or running an errand for Will but now it had hit the one hour mark she was scared. She turned the volume down on the TV and pulled out her phone, she brought up jays number once again and rang it. Erm, okay... Just like the first time about half an hour ago, it went straight to voice mail, so she tried again. This is bad...

She tried his phone a total of 5 times and every time it went to voicemail, this can't be happening. She shook her head and held back her tears, she didn't like being alone at night so she decided to try Haileys number in case he was undercover but hers was the exact same. Voicemail, voicemail, voicemail. She could feel her tiny body beginning to panic but she stayed strong. Great, another person down, Will next. Of course he should answer, why wouldn't he? She let a tear roll down her cheek as his phone went to voicemail too, what's going on? Why's no one answering her.

Who now? Why is this happening? Is this some kind of cruel prank? She shook those thoughts and pulled up voights number, she hesitated for a second before pressing dial. She was sobbing by now since she was scared of being alone and no one was answering her, to her pleasant surprise the units boss answered the phone.
Grace: "uncle Voight, what's going on? I called jay, hailey and Will and they all went to voicemail..."
Hank: "where are you now?"
Grace: "a-at home..."
Hank: "okay, stay there I'm on my way"
Grace: "what's happening?"
Hank: "I'll explain later, I promise kiddo. Try stay calm"

                Hank hung up the phone leaving grace with no answers as he ran out of meds waiting room to get into his car leaving the unit behind.  Grace was stood in the living room with tears strolling down her face, this was too much, the suspense, the unknown, the fear.  She quickly put her shoes and jacket on before pacing as she heard Hanks car pull up outside of the house, hank knocked then let himself in like he done when it was emergencies, Grace had unlocked the door for him earlier.  He saw the tears on the kids face, "come here" he held his arms out, it was rare that he treats people with sympathy but grace was special to him.  Grace sobbed even though she didn't know what was going on and quickly fell into Hanks hug, "we're gonna go to med, jays been shot in the shoulder and he's in surgery right now..." he started but grace jumped.

                 "W-what...?" She stuttered in shock.  Hank wiped her tears away, "I know you're scared but he's gonna be okay. I promise you that much..." he smiled and placed his hands on her shoulders.  Grace smiled sadly and nodded as the pair wandered out to his car quickly and hank drove them back to med.  Not many people saw Hanks soft side, apart from Erin and Justin, justins girlfriend and child too, grace was one of the only non family related kid he had that he loves dearly, apart from his detectives too but that was a different kind of love, that's tough love. 

                "Will..." grace cried at the sight of her brother.  Will lifted her up immediately, her light body weighing next to nothing, and held her tight as she cried muffly, her painful sobs moved him to tears.  "I know babes I know, he's gonna be okay though..." he stroked her hair and tried to calm her down.  He continued to hold her for a little while longer, the Halstead siblings all had pretty strong bonds, but Will knew grace and jay had a special connection.  Maybe it was because of jays father like figure to her, after all he did raise her more or less, or maybe it was just because they were more alike.  He didn't mind that of course but it also made it harder for him to calm her down since usually jay is the only one who can do it. 

                 About an hour later Will was hard at work, trying to distract his mind from jay, as hailey and grace were asleep cuddling on the couch in jays hospital room now he was out of surgery.  The pair were so exhausted from crying and worrying that they fell asleep in each other's embrace and it couldn't have felt anymore relaxing.  Jay woke up about a minute ago, he was still a little groggy but he dared to wake them up since they looked so peaceful, they were his two number one girls and they were sat cuddling as if they were mother and daughter.  His painful groans must've woken hailey up since she opened her eyes, "jay..." she whispered and slipped out from underneath grace slowly so she didn't wake her. 

               Jay smiled, "hey..." he mumbled out as he fully gained his eyesight back.  He looked over at grace in worry who was somehow still asleep on the couch and hailey noticed his concern, "she's okay, Voight fetched her over. Dr Charles talked to her and now she's slumped" she pointed to grace who wasn't gonna wake up anytime soon.  Jay frowned, "dr Charles?" He spoke out in confusion but in a whisper, hailey smiled sadly, "she had a panic attack but dr Charles calmed her down, she was just scared of losing you..." she grabbed his hand reassuringly.  Jay frowned at the thought of his safety causing her to have a panic attack but honestly, he knew it was common in this situation.  He let grace rest for a while and talked to hailey and Will as Will came in and out to check on both siblings frequently.

                 "She's not gonna budge, huh?" Jay smiled at grace.  Hailey laughed quietly, "she hasn't slept in about 15 hours, I think she's past exhausted" she smiled.  She hadn't had a nap or slept from 7am yesterday morning until about an hour ago when it was about 4am.  Jay smiled, "just let her rest, she needs it. I'm sure she'll be happier in the morning" he nodded at his partner who was smiling. 

                Fortunately for grace, she had gained the well rested sleep she needed and she slummed it all night, she didn't wake up once but she had a pleasant surprise in the morning when she woke up to see jay smiling at her.  He was being let out today and she couldn't have been more happy when she found out he was okay, he means the world to her...

a change of heartOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora