Excuse you?

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                 Grace was sat in the back of the van still, the two men had gotten out but she was still there, all alone and scared.  She knew jay would find her soon, wether it be on his own accord or with the unit, he would find her for sure.  She would say the same about Will but he's not too good with the streets of Chicago so he wouldn't even know where to start, besides jay is the cop of the family after all.  She was snapped out of her thoughts when the door double doors flew open, "get out, now" a fat man snapped.  Grace shuffled backwards, "no" she spoke shakily.  The slightly skinnier man appeared into view, "excuse you?" He growled.  Grace jumped back, "I said no" she snapped again through her evident fear. 

                It turns out being 5 foot 2 inches and extremely light in weight wasn't really in her favour during this situation since she now found herself sat in a cold dark shipment container all alone like before.  Like she told Jay, no means no, but obviously these men don't understand common courtesy since they quite literally dragged her out of the van and carried her petite fighting-self over to the container and locked her in it.  She couldn't really see much, it was dark and damp but she was definitely petrified.  They hadn't hurt her yet and she didn't want them to, but she knew if jay didn't find her soon then she would probably end up dead.  It's plain common sense to know that you don't get kidnapped for any good old reason.  She hesitantly sat down in the corner and pulled her knees up to her chest, her nerves must've gotten the best of her since she soon found a few salty tears silently rolling down her cheek.

"Start a timeline, where was she last and what was she doing?" Hank pointed to the board. Jay nodded and took over, "alright so she was at school until 3pm, then she went to firehouse 51. She was at girls on fire until around 5pm, then she walked home, that's the last time me or Will heard from her..." he looked down to hide his fear. Antonio nodded, "is there anyone out for her, anyone against her maybe?" He sighed. Jay shrugged, "I doubt it, everyone loves her" he sighed. They all nodded in agreement, how could anyone not love their little champ? Hailey stepped up, "so we check footage cams?" She looked at hank. Their boss nodded, "hop on it" he nodded and wandered into his office to do important stuff. They all nodded, "my next door neighbour has a security system, I'm sure she'll let us review it" he sighed in worry and grabbed his jacket. Hailey nodded, "let's go" she ran down the stairs with him.

               "Oh hello...what can I do for you, Jay?" Mrs Swindon opened the door with her usual smile.  Jay attempted to smile back but it came across more like a frown, "can we come inside?" He smiled.  The old lady smiled and opened the door fully to let them both in, "is everything okay, my dear?" She smiled again and closed the door behind the pair.  Jay shook his head, "is there any possibility that we could take a copy of your security footage?" He smiled weakly.  Mr Swindon walked into the living room and joined them too, "ah yes, son, of course you can. If you know how to do it then fire away" the old man chuckled and pointed to the computer in the corner.  Jay smiled and began walking to the screen, "is something wrong, pet?" Mrs Swindon looked at jay as he sat down on the chair.  Hailey could see jays pain so she took over, "it's grace, she didn't come home this evening" she frowned.

Mr Swindon gasped, "oh god, well that's terrible. I must say, I did see the youngster walk past the window earlier this evening..." he put his hand up to his mouth. Jay turned around in the chair as the pen drive was finishing up transferring the footage onto it from the computer, "yeah? What time would you say that was?" He became hopeful. Mr Swindon placed his glasses onto the table, "I seen her-hmm, i would say it was around 5:30pm" he hobbled back into the living room. Jay looked at hailey and nodded, "thank you mr and Mrs Swindon, you've been very helpful" he smiled and took the pen drive out of the computer monitor. The elderly couple smiled as the young partners left, they love grace, sometimes she would bake and fetch them treats or she would hang their washing up on the washing line if they needed any help.

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