Sorry champ...

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*a sunny Monday morning*

                 "Don't forget it's that music thing tonight" grace smiled as she slid out of jays truck, jay smiled, "how could I forget?" He raised an eyebrow.  Grace chuckled before waving and going to join her friends as jay drove off.  Tonight the school was having this music concert thing for the students in the school to raise money for cancer and mainly every kid was doing it, which was good.  She was about to look up and smile at her friends but as she looked up she was smiling at the wall since they weren't there, they were no where to be seen. 

                  She looked around but they just weren't there, she huffed and walked into the school entrance to find the usual kids who hung around there before home room.  Obviously she smiled at everyone as she walked down the corridor and of course they smiled back, but when she got to her locker that's when she found her friends already chatting away.  "Hey..." she spoke happily but they ignored her.  No one had the common decency to reply, she rolled her eyes and opened her locker to put her bag inside, when she closed the locker door she shut it with quite some force to gain their attention, "oh g, hey..." Amelia smiled.  Grace nodded, "how comes you didn't wait for me?" She smiled weakly.  Lukas huffed, "because it was cold and we were freezing our asses off out there" he spoke without even looking up at her. 

                   Grace nodded but got a little angry, that was a lie, it's a nice sunny day and it's definitely not cold out there.  The bell rang which broke the group up, not that she was complaining, and they all went to their own first periods.  Grace is by far one of the smartest kids in her grade, hell to that, maybe even the whole school, shes super talented, shes also extremely sweet and she had the purest soul.  How could anyone wanna ignore her?  She opened up her pop quiz and completed it in about 10 minutes, "alright class, I'm gonna collect your answers in and I'll have them marked by tomorrow!" The maths teacher shouted over the giddy chatter amongst the classroom.  Everyone wavered their tests in the air as the teacher walked around and swiped them all from their grips, once again grace was left to walk to gym class alone because her so called friends already walked off. 

                 Somehow she still found herself sitting with them at dinner which was stupid of her because she could sit with anyone she wanted to since everyone liked her.  "Hey, is there a reason why you guys aren't including me anymore? Did I do something?" Grace leant her elbows on the table and put her chin on her hand, Skye looked at her deadly, "well there's a party tomorrow night at chads house again, and we figured you wont be coming so why would you wanna hear us talk about it when you don't show up to the parties?" She spoke harshly.  Grace felt a little offended, just because she didn't go to parties and stayed at home to study instead, doesn't mean they get to exclude her, "you're right, sorry..." she smiled, god why can't she just say no and stick up for herself, why is saying that two letter word so hard?

                  The day dragged on from there but finally it was 3pm, today was a bit different, she was ignored all day and now Will was picking her up from school since jay was busy working a long case and Will had the day off anyways.  "Hey, stinker" Will smiled as she hopped inside of his car.  "Hey, gingerbread" she smiled, their nicknames were elite, period.  Will laughed and shook his head, "so champ, you gonna be singing tonight?" He smiled as he drove her back to his place.  Grace smirked, "mmhmm" she looked at him sneakily.  Will laughed, "you any good?" He smiled back.  Grace shrugged, "maybe..." she laughed, but that's was a lie, she's blooming amazing. 

                 Her voice was so versatile and angelic, she could belt, sing in a soft head voice and her range was immaculate, if only she had the confidence to sing around her brothers instead of her music teacher at school.  Not to forget the fact she could play piano too, all thanks to her music teacher for learning her how to on her free periods.  Grace and her music teacher get along like mother and daughter, they were very, very, very close, not in a creepy way though.  She more or less hated every other teacher but miss cotton, but she didn't care because she helped her fall in love with music. 

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