Drying Blood and Tears

Start from the beginning

Midnight: Never, come here kid

Midnight and Momo held together Y/N a re comforting hug, having found that peace and relief to see clearer, his breathing became calmer, closing his eyes to cherish the warming silence

Midnight: Better now?

Y/N: Yeah, much better

Midnight: Oh and by the way, you forgot your swords and medallion found them by the gate along with a small note

My sarcastic student

You got me real good back there, thanks to that Todoroki and Yayorozu managed to complete their exam, hear me out please; I do not write this to scold you or do anything like that, on the whole contrary. From my experience fear can get the better of us, I do or at least pretend to know how it's like to be a witcher , and god knows what was like to live in that era, everyday heroes even to the likes of All Might and me go way back and think about what have we done and seen, and there isn't a day we think of it. but a pass is a pass, even through a mean cut from your little knife you crossed the gate, congrats kiddo

-Shouta "Hobo" Aizawa

-Shouta "Hobo" Aizawa

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Y/N: Till next time~

Momo: By the way Y/N

Y/N: Yeah?

Momo: Since i'm here, wanna head out for a while?

Y/N: Sure, Midnight?

Midnight: Don't mind me, have fun, just don't do anything dumb and I'm fine with that

Y/N: Okay I guess, see you later

Momo: Evening Mr's Midnight

Timeskip sponsored by a wholesome writer (╥︣﹏╥᷅)

Y/N: How did the others fare, did they pass too?

Momo: Most of them, from what I heard your "friend" applied the test to Kaminari and Mina

Y/N: Wait... Vesemir? Hehe, never knew he had a fondness for heroics but he's got plenty of tactics to use

Momo: Isn't he your former teacher or something?

Y/N: Youuuu could say that, long story, but to be brief everything I know I learned it from him

Momo: Wow, also mmmmm they know... the entire class knows (sigh)

Y/N: What thing

Momo pointed Y/N and herself

Y/N: Wait, you mean THAT?

Momo: Yes. That

Y/N: Who snitched us?

Momo: Kaminari but-

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