Chapter 2: The Infirmary

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 "This seems like an infirmary." Drace said in a mighty voice. Maybe he's forgotten that he was kidnapped and he was with us. At the time we didn't need high and mighty people.

"Let's see what we can do around here..." I said as I began to look around the infirmary. There was a laid down frog and some machinary which I didn't know how to use. A fake body was on a bed next to something named the adam. The body seemed real but I made sure and checked making myself sure that it was actually fake. I picked up a scalpel which I found when I was looking around. The other were doing there thing. They seemd to be doing well solving the puzzles that were in the places that corresponded each on of them. At least I didn't have to do all the work.

I used the scalpel to open up the frog and took out a small key. "What's this key for?" I wondered and found out that the key was to make the adam work. The adam had a key hole which I put the key in. "Perfect fit.." I twisted the key and it turned on. I felt Drace and Akiri looking at me but the feeling went away and it seemed that they went back to doing their thing. The adam had a scanner which I took and looked at it intently. "Am I supposed to use to on the body?" Shrugging and not knowing I did just that. There was a beam of light coming out of the scanner as I scanned the lifeless fake body that was on the bed and in just a few minutes there were some results that appeared on the screen.

I was no doctor but figuring that out was quite easy and it only took me a few minutes. It showed a lot of information about the body but there was a part which showed red and it seemed as if something was in there. The screen told me that it shoulder be removed immediately. "Zero you sick bastard... Making me do such a disgusting thing..." I used the scalpel to open up the left arm which was the place that the item had to be removed. it was a usb that I took out and it was.. bloody? Was this actually a real body? My hand was trembling but since I finished my part of the infirmary I went to tell the other two.

They were finished as well and we exchanged information. "I found a usb just like you Tatsuya." Drace showed me so did Akiri.

"Where is this supposed to go?" I asked them both but I just got a shrug in response.

"You should've found that out you lazy bastard." Drace said to me.

"Lazy Bastard? The hell is your problem? I did nothing to you.." Drace pushed me down to the ground. His face seemed angry. What was wrong with him? Luckily he was pulled away by Akiri.

"Calm the hell down Drace! We're here to work together not fight!" She said quite mad.

I stood up and nodded. "Yes, that's right..."

Drace seemed to be irritated but soon  he calmed down. "Sorry.. I don't know what happened to me..." There was a moment of silence and I just nodded.

"It's alright let's just figure out how to get out of here..." I moved around the room and so did both of them until we found a place to put all the usb. It took us about a full hour to get find the place to put the usb in since there was something that Akiri had forgotten to do. As we put all the usbs in the usb ports a screen turned green showing us a password.

"This must be it." We used the password on a safe that we had found and unlocked it taking a key and two key cards that were shapped like a sun. We left the infirmary by unlocking the door but instead of going through that passegeway we went back and found the others already finished with their respective rooms.

"It took you long enough Onii-san!" Said Blossom and Yuki at the same time to me. It made me blush. I've never been called like that. Our chit chat was drawn short when we were exchanging information by the rabbit. The rabbit explained the AB game and that we had to choose either Ally or Betray. If both parties allied 2 points were awarded. If both betray nothing happens and if one allies and one betrays the one that betrays gets 3 points and the one that allies gets -2. If your bp drops to zero you get penalized which didn't sound so nice.

Now we had to start this AB game but what I found in the infirmary still haunted me. Was that a real person? And if it was are they going to kill us too? I was now shrouded by fear. I was scared that what happened to that person will happen to all of us too. I had no way of knowing for sure but I discarded the thought as everyone went into their AB rooms. Now we had too see if we trusted one another and if this little time which each other has given them reason enough to trust us..

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