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Harry was taken back to Hogwarts, where Snape made him some potions to help him heal quicker. Sirius and Remus wanted to go back to the Dursleys and kill Vernon, but Severus reminded them about the Statute of Secrecy.

"Not to mention," Severus said. "It would be suspicious if he were to suddenly die. Potter should have the final say in what happens to his uncle."

"I'm going to pay Dumbledore a visit," Sirius said. "What was he thinking letting Harry go back there?!"

So Harry was left to rest in Severus's chambers, while Sirius, Remus, and Severus headed to the Headmaster's office.


Harry woke up a half hour later. He sat up and looked around the unfamiliar room. He felt much better. Physically.

Mentally, Harry was still reeling from the attack.

"I hate him." Harry whispered. "I hate Vernon."

Harry picked up his wand, letting the anger and pain consume him. He pointed his wand at a spider that was crawling on the wall.

"Engorgio!" Harry whispered. The spider was now the size of a baseball.

"Crucio!" Harry said, imagining the spider was his uncle. The spider fell off the wall, and twitched on the floor.

After a few minutes, Harry released the spider of his curse, and set it back to it's regular size. The spider crawled away really fast.

Harry stood there, breathing heavily. He'd never performed an Unforgivable before. But it felt strangely good. It made him feel powerful. He could make Vernon pay for what he did.

'And not just Vernon. But Dumbledore too.'

Harry stowed his wand away, and waited until the adults came back. When they saw that he appeared to be better, Harry was allowed to go.

Harry thanked them for saving him, before hurrying to his dormitory. His trunk had been returned, and Harry pulled out his Invisibility Cloak.

'Let's take a trip to the library.....'


The new term started, and with it, an increase in their lessons and homework. Harry had to split up his time between doing homework, quidditch practice, and sneaking around at night with Draco.

But his time with Draco seemed to lessen as the month of January came to a close. Draco looked more stressed and ill, and Harry became concerned.

When Harry voiced this concern, Hermione brushed it aside, and Ron claimed that this must have something to do with Draco being a Death Eater. But Harry wondered if there was something else at play....


One afternoon, Harry was watching the Marauders Map, staring at Dumbledore's name. He was in his office, and Snape's name was moving back and forth. (They'd been like that for nearly an hour.) Harry saw Snape's dot leave the Headmaster's office and go down to the Slytherin Common Room. Harry was about to fold up the map, when he saw Draco and Snape exit the Common Room together.

Now this wasn't anything strange. Snape was Draco's Head. What was strange, was that they both left the castle, and were headed to the Whomping Willow!

Don't Mess With The Chosen One....Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz