the smaller was on the verge of tears, never mind, once he turned to chenle and saw him being embraced in the tall brunettes touch he let the tears free and pushed taeyong off of him, grabbing his bag and running out the house.

"that little shit!" taeyong huffed.

shotaro scoffed as he ran into school, he saw jaemin and went right over to him. "hey- what's wrong?" jaemin asked. the latter had puffy eyes, a tear running down his face and he lips plastered with a pout.

shotaro just placed his bag on the ground and sat on jaemin, his arms just hung next to him.
"he's a fucking bitch."

"who?" jaemin asked, not knowing who he was talking about. "chenle."
"what'd he do?" jaemin asked again. "he's literally made taeyong and sungchan hate me.." he pouted.
"how though?"

"he told them i called him a whore, and he keeps on telling them things about me. and to think i wanted to be his friend." he scowled.

"oh... well you still have us. who cares about those two, if they're gonna believe someone they don't even know that well over you, someone they've known for a while, then just forget about them." jaemin told.

the silver haired nodded, "well i'm not sure about sungchan, but taeyong seems to not like me as much anymore, literally," he looked as he wrist, "i have a bruise on my wrist!"

"how?" jaemin asked, looking at the bruise.
"after chenle told me somethings i grabbed his collar, but taeyong walked in and gripped my wrist so fucking hard and yanked me away."

"abuse!" jaemin said loudly.
"no it's not." shotaro said.
"taro!" renjun hugged the taller from behind.
"injunnie!" he got up and hugged him.

renjun grabbed his cheeks and looked at his face, "have you been crying? what happened? what whore do i have to beat up?!" renjun exclaimed.
"taeyong.. and chenle.." the taller pouted.

"chenle? who?" renjun tilted his head.
"this new kid, he technically spread rumours about me to taeyong, sungchan and probably lucas, now they hate me!" shotaro told.

renjun scoffed, "that bitch. where is he?"
as if summoned, chenle walked through the school gates with shotaro's friends. shotaro pointed to him and renjun turned around.

"pfft. that? he's nowhere near as hot as you." renjun said, patting him on the head.
shotaro gasped, "he's wearing my clothes!"
"how?" renjun asked confusedly.
"he stayed over last night.. and when i left he must've gone into my room.."

"well... taeyong isn't here" renjun snickered, "we could.. you know.. 'confront' him about it..?"
the taller rolled his eyes, "that'd just make those two hate me more."

renjun and shotaro kept looking at the three walking together into school and over to the building.
the two made eye contact with chenle, he smirked and immediately whispered something to lucas, making him look over at the two.

"okay that's it." shotaro was about to walk over to him, but jaemin held the two back by their shirts.
"no you don't." he told, pulling them back to the bench.

"but jaemin!" renjun said annoyedly, "i just wanna talk to him, you know?"
"i don't want you two shits getting yourself in trouble." jaemin told, not letting go of his grip.
"bitch.." shotaro mumbled, thinking of what he wanted to say to chenle.

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