He did his best to convince Air that he was not the reason Pool had to be placed under doctors' care.  He told Air that Pool was worsening year after year and that eventually, he knew he would need more professional help than could be had here on the farm.

Chess launched up as well and grabbed Air in a hug. His own tears were flowing now too. 

"He has a disease in his brain.  Pool doesn't know me somedays.  He forgets his mom and dad.  He's become violent."

Chess was hugging Air so tight but moved so that he could see his face.  "Nobody said anything,  but Pool really hurt Zong the night of the fire.  He could have killed him.  Inside...  Pool is not a murderer."

Air was hugging back now.  His heart was pounding so loud in his chest.  He didn't know why,  but his heart hurt when Chester started to cry.  All Air knew was that he couldn't stand it.  He wanted to make it stop.

Air metaphorically put his feet in Chester's shoes for just a moment.  To watch the person you love most,  disintegrate,  must be a thing of horror.  Air wondered if the days when Pool didn't recognize Chess,  were easier.  Was it easier to let go when Pool didn't know Chess was there?

The pain in Air's heart swelled again.  Before he took Chess's shoes off,  he realized that Chester's hardest days must be the days when Pool is lucid.   Pool must wonder why he's not in bed with Chess,  and why the door of his room is locked.

Air squeeze on the much larger man,  harder than he ever had.  He talked through his tears.  

"My chemicals have decided that I'm in love with you."

The chemicals part flew right over Chester's head.  

"Did you just say that you love me?"

Air didn't repeat himself.  He vanished in Chester's crushing embrace.


In the most unadulterated and wholly masculine display,  Air proceeded to remove the already opened shirt.  After it slid from his arms,  he paid no attention to it as it half-draped over the edge of the mattress. 
He effortlessly shoved his boxers past his knees and off.  His eyes were on Chester,  and the underwear too,  fell somewhere forgotten. 
Air moved closer to Chess, who was stone-like and whose shallow breathing was through an open mouth.

Air used his right index finger.  He followed the outline of Chester's lips.  He traced along the curve of his heavy lower one.  Air looked close at the lines in the top lip,  Chess's were a darker colour than his own.

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"Kiss me again."

The last thing Air ate before he passed out on the love seat,  was a bowl of chocolate ice cream.  The dark cocoa scent was still on his tongue when Chess sucked Air's into his mouth. 
Air gave into it completely and let his head lean back.  He couldn't fathom what was happening.

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